Compiled List of Research Opportunities With Deadlines
Application resources: Templates created by TIMESTEP
Tips for Requesting Recommendation Letters
Research FAQ for UA Students (Course Requirements)
Research Opportunities at U. Arizona
UA Undergraduate Research Engagement Experience
Arizona Space Grant Consortium contact: Michelle Coe This program offers funding for 10-20 hours per week during the academic year.
Summer Research Insitute contact: Nura Dualeh
National Opportunities (US citizens/permanent residents)
Bryce Canyon National Park Summer Astronomy Outreach Internship
Science Communication Fellowship at Brookhaven
Brookhaven Mini Semester Program
NASA Internships and Fellowships See also here
Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship in Commercial Space Flight
ULA United Launch Summer Internships
Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS)
SMART Fellowships at DOD : Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation Scholarship-for-Service
National Opportunities (may require US citizenship)
List of REU programs in Astronomy
List of REU programs in Physics
Some Specfic REU Programs:
Cornell REU (will happen in remote/hybrid or in-person model)
Smithsonian (SAO) - Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
SURF (JPL Positions Require Citizenship - but others don't) (if you are interested in this you’ll need to identify a potential advisor by early January).
JPL Summer Undergraduate Internship
Ball Aerospace Internship (Ball does have some positions for international students)
Blue Marble Space: Young Scientist Program
Department of Energy (DOE) Scholars Program
Undergraduate Student Internship Program at LANL
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program
SULI: Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (DOE, multiple locations)
Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program (MSIPP) with the DOE (US Citizens, UA undergrads qualify)
For Seniors: (See Also For Graduating Students)
Graduate Fellowships in STEM Diversity
National Association of Science Writers Mentoring Program
National Opportunities (NO US Citzenship Requirements**)
STScI Summer Internship Program SASP
Society of Physics Intenship: Policy & Education (some positions may require US citizenship)
Fermilab Internship for Physics Majors
Lee Teng Internship at Fermilab
VetTech Program for Military Vets at Fermilab (military experience, work eligibility)
SIST Program at Fermilab (work eligibility)
LIGO SURF Program at Caltech (for intl students CPT/OPT auth required, SURF@JPL program is only for citizens.)
Lunar and Planetary Institute: Summer Internship
Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research at LPI Deadline: Feb 12 2021
Yale: Dorrit Hoffleit Undergraduate Research Scholarship
HackNY Internship Program: Rolling admission deadlines are Oct 18, Nov 22, and Dec 30 with notification by Feb 2021. The program itself runs May 27 2021 to August 2 2021.The 2021 HackNY fellowship is open to all undergraduate college students who will be graduating in 2021 - 2023. A brief summary: hackNY plays matchmaker to find a company relevant to student's listed career goals. The company pays the intern a stipend, provides free housing (pandemic permitting) and a series of informative talks from influential technologists.
** Note if you are on a F1 Visa you will likely need to file CPT Authorization to be eligible for these positions - this will require that this research expereince fulfills a class requirement, e.g. independent study with a supervisor. Talk to a faculty advisor about this option well in advance of deadlines.
International Opportunities (passport needed)
LEAPS: Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Programme for Summer Students (Remote 2021)
CERN Summer Student Program: Particle Physics (Remote 2021)
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Taipei, Taiwan)
Internships at the Max Planck Institute fur Astronomy (Heidelberg, Germany)
Astrophysics Research Center Summer Studentships (Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Research Interships in Science and Engineering (RISE) Germany
ASTRON/JIVE Summer Student Programme (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
ASPIRE Program at the Anton Pannekoek Institute (Netherlands) [ unclear if this is continuing]
DAWN IRES Program in Denmark (US Citizenship/permanent residents)
International Research Experiences for Students (NSF, may require US citizenship)
European Space Observatory Summer Research Program
—Open to DACA and/or Undocumented Students
—Open to Students who identify as Women :
APS/IBM Research Undergraduate Program for Women
Brooke Owens Fellowship in Aerospace (most require US Citizenship/Permanent Resident)
FOR SENIORS: (See Also For Graduating Students)
Helen Fellowship at the American Natural History Museum (Citizenship required)
—Open to Students from Under Represented Minority Backgrounds Specifically:
Banneker Institute at Harvard (Juniors/Seniors - Contact Gurtina Directly for this one)
TAURUS Program at UT Austin
JPL Maximizing Student Potential in STEM
Fermi Lab Summer Internships in Science and Technology (SIST)
ATLAS Internship JHU (US Citizenship required)
Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program (MSIPP) with the DoE (US Citizens, UA undergrads qualify)
Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program (MEISPP) with DOE
NSBP-Simons Summer Research Fellowship (for NSBP Members)