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Schulman 32" Telescope

Elevation: 2780 m = 9121 ft.
Latitude: 32° 26' 32.26" N (32.442294)
Longitude: 110° 47' 20.46" W (-110.789017)
Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00) 
Primary Mirror Diameter: 0.81 m = 32 inches
f/7 Cassegrain focus
Plate Scale: 27.5 microns/arcsec = 36.4 arcsec/mm (nominal)
Typical Seeing: 1-2"
Focuser: 0.2668 microns per step
NCFZ: 33.5 micron, 151 steps

RA Axis

Motor: Kollmorgen C042A-13-3305
Motor Wheel Size: ~2.9022in (calculated)
Axis Wheel Size: 36.02in (laser measured)
Motor Counts per Rev: 13,014,364 (laser calibrated)  

Encoder Tape: Renishaw 20μm pitch scale tape
Readhead: Renishaw RGH25
Interpolator: Renishaw RGF1000H250A
Encoder Wheel Size: 36.001in (laser measured)
Encoder Counts per Rev:  143,637,606 (calculated)

DEC Axis

Motor: Kollmorgen C042A-13-3305
Motor Wheel Size: ~2in  
Axis Wheel Size: 23.990in (laser measured)  
Motor Counts per Rev: ~12,500,000

Encoder Tape: RESM20USA300
Readhead: Renishaw RGH25 (assumed)
Interpolator: Renishaw Si-HN-4000-40-0-FN-003-3 (A-9572-1501)
Dual Interface: Renishaw DSi-QML-04
Encoder Wheel: 300mm
Encoder Counts per Rev:  188,800,000




Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Additional Reading


Remote Astrophotograph

Old TCS Procedures (DO NOT USE)

public/catalinas/lemmon/schulman_32/schulman_32_telescope.1692122349.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/15 10:59 by tdeyoe