Teaching / Advising

Recent Courses:

ASTR 250: Foundations of Astrophysics

ASTR 300A: Dynamics in Astrophysics

ASTR 203: Stars

ASTR/PHYS 589: Topics in Theoretical Astrophysics

Current Graduate Students:

Jackson Zariski, Applied Mathematics

Former Graduate Students:

Sarah Morrison, PhD, currently Assist. Professor, Universiy of Missouri

Rachel Smullen, PhD, currently Staff Scientist, Los Alamos Natl. Labs

Michael Hammer, PhD, currently postdoctoral fellow, ASIAA

Adam Sutherland, MA, Data Scientist

Current Postdocs:

Leonardo Krapp, 51 Pegasi b Fellow

Former Postdocs (incl. fellows)

Maxwell Moe (Einstein Fellow), currently Assist. Professor, University of Wyoming

Cristobal Petrovich (Bok Fellow), currently Assist. Professor, Universite de Catolica

Ruobing Dong (Bok Fellow), currently Assist. Professor, University of Victoria

Jordan Stone (Hubble Fellow), currently Staff scientist, Naval Research Laboratories

Min-Kai Lin (UA Theory fellow), currently Staff scientist, ASIAA