Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity Dr. McCarthy and the Department of Astronomy adhere to the University's Code of Academic Integrity. The Dean of Students Office has prepared a video describing the Code and resources that are available to you for improving your work. It is expected that each student will do his/her own work on all exams, clicker questions, homework, labs, and projects. During his years of teaching, Dr. McCarthy has developed skills in recognizing plagiarism and outright cheating. Such violations of the Code can be penalized by expulsion from the University and negative reports in your official records. If you are having difficulty in this course, PLEASE just ask for help instead of sacrificing your future.
Teamwork Policy: You may start an assignment in a team. However, once you decide HOW to approach a problem, you must then make all your own measurements and use your own wording to interpret and express conclusions. Any assignments that appear identical will be awarded "zero" points and can lead to expulsion from the class and the University. At a minimum such violations of the Code will lead to an Academic Integrity investigation with the Dean of Students Office.