"TBD" Grades: Sometimes students misread a question, or get started in the wrong direction, or make a simple mistake that leads to the wrong conclusion. Such assignments will receive a "TBD" grade (i.e., to be determined), allowing you to get back on track to earn a 100% score if you meet with Dr. McCarthy within one week to discuss your work and arrange to improve it.
Course Grade: Grades will be derived from the following categories with the indicated percentage weights: Daily homework (25%); Daily observation journal (40%); Three exams, including the final exam (20%); Participation: Attendance, quizzes, office hours, etc. (15%).
"Participation" includes attending class regularly, completing assignments, in-class quizzes, asking relevant questions during class, seeking help during study sessions and office hours, helping to lead discussions, etc.
Final course grades will be assigned as follows: A (90-100%); B (80-89%); C (70-79%); D (60-69%); E (<60%). Borderline grades, such as B+ (>87%), will be rounded to the next letter grade only if the student completed extra-credit work as discussed below.