Getting Help
Professor's Office hours: Tuesday (2:30-4:30 pm) and by appointment as listed in Section I. Feel free to suggest other times!
Weekly study session: Dr. McCarthy will lead an optional homework study session each Wednesday afternoon (2-4 pm) in the University's SUMC Bookstore, room 304A on the north side of second floor (i.e., level #3) in the Student Union Memorial Center. Here's a map. Students are welcome to attend and work with each other and with the instructor. To receive help on any problem, you must already have attempted that problem. Students will be asked to help each other and to lead discussion.
Tutoring: The University’s "Think Tank" offers tutoring for astronomy.
Preceptors are highly motivated students who wish to help teach their peers under the supervision of the course instructor. Two students are volunteering as preceptors in our course. Often students learn best from other students and preceptors can really "make a difference." As a preceptor in this course you would take an active role in the teaching process by working directly with Dr. McCarthy. You would also receive University credit by enrolling in LASC 297a and completing several workshop sessions with other University preceptors to learn and practice skills in effective teaching. If you would like to become a preceptor, please contact Dr. McCarthy and also learn about the Teaching Teams Program.
Lecture recordings of each lecture will be posted on our D2L site under the Content tab. These recordings consist of audio plus video of the main screen but not of any demonstrations.
Preparing for exams: Interactive review sessions will be held one or more days ahead of each exam to provide an opportunity to ask questions and to practice concepts presented during the course. A study guide and sample questions will be posted to help you prepare for exams.