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In Fall, 2013, Brenda taught Introductory Astronomy for Non Majors, ASTR 170B1, in Flandrau Planetarium on UA campus. In Spring, 2014, she is teaching the second year course "Life in the Universe," ASTR 202, also in Flandrau Planetarium. Brenda teaches classes for majors and for non majors in both physics and astronomy departments. Here is a list of all the classes she has taught.

Here are the current Ph. D. students under Brenda's co-supervision:
Justin Spilker, UA (Advising Committee)
Melissa Halford, UA (Advising Committee)
Zheng Cai, UA (Advising Committee)

Here are previous Ph. D. students:
Ken Wong, UA (Advising Committee), Ph. D. Summer, 2013
Mairead Hurley, Dublin City University (sole Advisor and Funding Source), Ph. D. January, 2011

Here are the undergraduate students Brenda has supervised:
James Sainz, University of San Francisco (Advisor), B. S. Spring, 2011
Amanda Ryan, Dublin City University (Advisor), B. S. Spring, 2007
Conor Hickey, Dublin City University (Advisor), B. S. Spring 2006

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