Cloud Atlas Project

Cloud Atlas is a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) Large Treasury program (Program No.: 14241; PI: Apai). The primary goal of the Cloud Atlas project is to identify the role of surface gravity in setting the properties of condensate clouds. To achieve this goal, the project selected 21 brown dwarfs and planetary mass companions that were divided into four groups, (i) high effective temperature (T) and high surface gravity (g)  (ii) high T and low g, (iii) low T and high g, and (iv) low T and low g We scheduled time-resolved spectroscopic observations for isolated or low-contrast targets and photometric observations for high-contrast targets. Each object was initially observed in two consecutive HST orbits to assess the presence of amplitude variability, then down-selecting a sub-set of objects to study with deep-look observations with 6 to 12 follow-on consecutive orbits.

We finished all the observations for the Cloud Atlas project and discovered many intriguing cloud/atmospheric phenomena in brown dwarfs and planetary mass companions. I led the most of the analysis for high contrast, planetary mass targets in this project.

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