About Me


I am a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF)  graduate student at Department of Astronomy, the University of Arizona. I am working with Prof. Daniel Apai. We take the challenge to study the cloud structure of planetary mass companions with time-resolved HST observation. I took my undergraduate education at Peking University. I used to work with Prof. Greg Herczeg on accretion processes of low mass companions. Please check out my CV below if you are interested


  • University of Arizona, Ph.D. Candidate, 2014-present
  • Peking University, B.Sc in Astronomy, 2010-2014


  • The Ultra-cool Cloud Atlas: Exploring Vertical Cloud Structure and the Role of Gravity in Exoplanet and Brown Dwarf Atmospheres

    advisor: Daniel Apai

  • Patchy clouds of planetary mass companions

    advisor: Daniel Apai

  • Accretion onto planetary mass companions

    advisor: Greg Herczeg

  • Fe emission lines observation of accreting classic T Tauri stars
    2013 summer

    advisor: Nuria Calvet, Laura Ingleby

Conferences and Presentations

  • Contributed talk, Exoplanet II, July 2018, Cambridge, UK
  • Contribute talk, Star and Planet Formation in the Southwest 2, Mar 2018, Oracle, AZ
  • Seminar talk, Origin Seminar, Mar 2018, Tucson, AZ
  • Seminar talk, CPSX Research Forum at Western University, Jan 2018, London, Ontario, Canada
  • Seminar talk, KIAA lunch talk, Jan 2018, Beijing, China
  • Seminar talk, PSF Coffee at MPIA, Dec 2017, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Contribute talk, BDEXOCON, Nov 2017, Newark, DL
  • Seminar talk, Origin Seminar, Apr 2017, Tucson, AZ
  • Poster, Les Houches Winter School, Mar 2017, Les Houches, France
  • Contribute talk, Exoclimes II, Aug 2016, Squamish, Canada
  • NExSS Winter School, Feb 2016, Oracle, AZ
  • Star and Planet Formation in the Southwest 1, Mar 2015, Oracle, AZ



  • NASA Earth and Space Fellowship (NESSF) 2016 –


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