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VATT Logging

Important engineering data is now logged at VATT into a sqlite database. This is done using sqlaclchemy and several python modules to retrieve data from the relevant systems. That source code can be found on gitlab. There is also a web page that will display simple plots or tables of logged data.

Web API for advanced plotting

Through the previously mentioned web app there is a url API of sorts that can be used to access data programmatically.

<code python> #!/usr/bin/python

import pandas as pd

minsago = 1200

datafames = dict()

for table in ['temps', 'telem', 'ngtelem', 'ivps' ]:

  url = "{}.csv?minsago={}".format( table, minsago )
  print("retreiving data from: \n\t\t{}".format(url))
  except Exception as err:
      print err


vatt/logging.1522181748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/27 13:15 by scott