Rolf's Modified VATT Warm Start Check List 2006-05-05
Last updated
Dec 12 2011 RAJ
2nd floor, 'VATT' data acquisition computer
take a test exposure (e.g.,'zero'); if the process does not hang, you're OK; if it does, reboot VATTCCD
(test camera is on in the dome, power cycle connnection link in dome under box on South side of East fork)
view the image header of the test image. NB: if telemetry (RA, Dec, LST, HA, Airmass, etc..)
is missing from the headers, verify that the “Enable Telescope” and “Enable Instrument”
flags are set in the “Flags” tab of the “Preferences” menu in AzCamTool.
fill the CCD dewar
open the four dome vents
plug in the dome power (yellow plug)
plug in the finder scope power (little black AC adapter that lies on
top of an power/electronics box mounted on the South side of the East
fork of the telescope)
open the finder cover (push the handle up then turn 180deg)
turn on the SBIG camera (switch with orange-red led on top of black
electronics box on the West side of the dewar underneath the telescope
check the derotator sensor position; the fixed and moving magnetic
sensors on the North-east side of the derotator flange should be
slightly mis-aligned with the moving one slightly N of the fixed one.
check for obstructions (including stow pins!); remove the fill tube
from the CCD dewar and move the liquid nitrogen dewar tank flush
against the South wall.
check the Azimuth alignment (the inverted “V” and the vertical mark
on the Azimuth platform should line up to become an inverted “Y”).
Don't attempt to fix a mis-alignment before turning on the oil-system!
check that the West door to the ladder leading up to the roof is
closed and locked.
turn on the oil chillers (pull out the mushroom button labeled #1). once either one or both of the chillers come on, check that the
oil-flow (gauge on top of the chiller unit) is above “10”. Then
turn on the oil-pressure system by turning the knob labeled #2.
Once first the low-pressure, then the high-pressure pumps have come
on, check the oil-flow is above “4”.
turn on both the pier and the building fans (push both the green
buttons on the left wall toward the back (as viewed from the elevator).
2nd floor pier
turn on the NESLAB by slightly opening the valve lever on the right
side of the unit, starting the unit using the toggle switch in top,
and fully open the valve within 2 sec after the machine starts.
2nd floor TCS/instrument room
press the tiny “reset motor drives” button on the guider electronics
3 times (or: reboot guider cpu, then reset motor drives)
reboot VATTtel by pressing the tiny maroon reset button OLD: white
square button and wait untill the “Pass” LED comes on (after an
initial “Fail” interrupt /w loud click). The monitor should proclaim
the Guider to be OK.
turn on the power amplifiers for derotator, azimuth, elevation and
dome. Do *NOT* touch the amplifier for the counterweights.
2nd floor control room
turn on the dome fan (next to door to South balcony) and turn on the
dome lights (on the other side of the door from the dome fan controls)
turn on the dome camera monitor
turn on the finder monitor
turn on the guider monitor
bring up the TCS
GUI (from the gnome button, select the “VATT” menu,
then select “TCS/IF GLUE”)
bring up the VATT Guider Application
GUI (VGAG) from that same menu
in the square TCS window, select the “mount control” view and turn
on the mirror fans
in the square TCS window, select the “thermal” view and set the goal
temperature (the temperature expected near the middle of the night),
then enable the “setpoint” radio button. Note, that if you are
starting up in a hurry, these buttons may initially be greyed out and
the temperatures reported may be bogus.
In the VGAG window, select the “Camera” view and initialize the
guider camera (“Init” button). Wait until the “Start” button is no
longer greyed out, then start the camera with its default exposure
time (0.5 sec; no dark subtraction).
Start XEphem from the “VATT” menu. In the main XEphem control
GUI, hit
the “Now” button immediately. From the “View” menu, select “Skyview”.
From the “Telescope” menu, select “Configure” – should the new
come up with the “running” radio button enabled, turn it off and close
GUI. Then reopen it (“Telescope”→“Configure”) and click on
“running”. A tiny
GUI should pop up (may be partially hidden) stating
that XEphem now has control of the telescope.
In the VGAG window, select “Reset Secondary” from the “Secondary” menu
in the top-bar of that window. Once done, enter last nights values of
“TipX” and “TipY” (and “Focus”), then select (enable) “Autocollimation”
from the “Secondary” menu.
Open the dome shutter (“Open Slit”)
After the dome is fully open, open the mirror cover (“Open M-Cover”)
In the square TCS window, select the “mount control” view and hit
“Enable drives”. If the volume on the intercom is on, you should hear
a click. You should also hear the break release.
Turn on “Dome tracking” in the main TCS
GUI window
“Calibrate” the azimuth axis and check that the dome is following.
From the XEphem “skyview” window, send the telescope at Azimuth~180
to a star at Altitude~40-50deg, then back to zenith (“Stow” button on
main TCS
Now, you're ready for taking twilight flats
Other Start Up Procedures