(Re)Booting VATTtel
| Jun 14, 2021, P Gabor et al. | ✔✘ |
Control room | Kill TCSglue if running; ensure that M2 Autocollimation is off and the M2 Control is disconnected in the INDI-based GUI; kill all GUIs (if any) | |
TCS room | Make sure that M2 PI Controller is off (power switch on the right of the controller's front panel) | |
TCS room | Reboot VATTtel : if VATTtel is running, press tiny Reset button, wait for the green Run and Pass LEDs. The old Guider will not be found. | |
TCS room | Booting VATTtel : if VATTtel is not running, power it on after checking that GPS is on (Ready and Power blue LEDs on without flashing). Also note that prior to booting, VATTtel requires the VATTdata server to be running. PEPSI only: These are the servers that need to be running: VATTdata , VATTcontrol , VATTdev , VATTarchive , PEPSI . | |
Instrument room | Booting a server after weeks in shutdown may be hard. Run all the servers all the time (outside of lightning shutdown) even if they are unlikely to be needed on the given day. | |
TCS room | Watch VATTtel monitor to make sure that the kernel loads from the VATTdata network server | |
TCS room | after VATTtel boots up, M2 PI Controller will need to be turned on | |
vatt/vatt_reboot_vatttel.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/16 21:05 by paul