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12/04/20 Update: Time allocated on VATT for Sep. l5, 2020 - Jan. 31, 2021 

Nights          observers               instrument      for

9/1   - 9/3     TBS                     VATT4K                       
Tue   - Thu                                          FULL 9/2          

9/4   - 9/10    EDEN Gabor              VATT4K      Exoplanets (S192)
Fri   - Thu                                          3rd Qt 9/10  

9/11  - 9/20    Boyle                   VATT4K      VilPhot Star Cl. 
Fri   - Sun                                          NEW MOON 9/17 

9/21  - 9/26    Corbally                VATTSpec    Lam Boo Stars;
Mon   - Sat                                         YSA 1st Qt 9/23

9/27  - 10/4    Franz?, Engineering
Sun   - Sun                                         FULL 10/1

10/5  - 10/13   Padave & Monkiewicz     VATT4K      Star Formation HI
Mon   - Tue                                         Gal. Disks (S181)

10/5  - 10/13   Monkiewicz & Padave     VATT4K      UV Low-Met Gal   
Mon   - Tue                                         3rd Qt 10/9(S156)

10/14 - 10/25   Boyle                   VATT4K      VilPhot Star Cl. 
Wed   - Sun                                          NEW MOON 10/16

10/26 - 11/5    TBS , Engineering?
Mon   - Thu                                         FULL 10/31; 3rd 11/8

11/6  - 11/15   Boyle                   VATT4K      VilPhot Star Cl.
Wed   - Sun                                         3rd 11/8, NEW MOON 11/15

11/16 - 11/21   Brown & Corbally        VATTSpec    Stellar Spectra
Mon   - Sat                                                            

11/22 - 12/3    TBS , Engineering?      VATTSpec?                    
Sun   - Thu                                          FULL 11/30

12/4  - 12/15   Boyle                   VATT4K      VilPhot Star Cl.
Fri   - Tue                                         3rd 12/7, NEW MOON 12/14

12/16 - 12/22   EDEN Gabor              VATT4K      Exoplanets (S192)
Wed   - Tue                                          1st Qt 12/21 

12/23 - 1/2     TBS                                 3rd Qt 12/7      
Wed   - Sat                                         FULL 12/29       

1/3   - 1/9     EDEN Gabor              VATT4K      Exoplanets (S192)
Sun   - Sat                                          3rd Qt 1/6   

1/10  - 1/15    Corbally                VATTSpec    Lam Boo Stars                  
Sun   - Fri                                         NEW 1/13 

1/16  - 1/26    EDEN Gabor              VATT4K      Exoplanets (S192)
Sat   - Tue                                          1st Qt 1/20  

1/27 - 1/31     TBS                     VATT4K                       
Wed   - Sun                                         FULL 1/28        
Project 1:
All observers should be aware that their observing program could be
interrupted on short notice if LIGO/Virgo detects gravitational wave 
event.  If such an event occurs, please cooperate with requests for
observations so that an important opportunity is not missed.

Project 2: P.I. Dennis Zaritsky (S126)
All using VATT4KCCD will observe one gravitational lens every night. 

Alert from:
Brother Guy Consolmagno SJ, Director of the Vatican Observatory:

All the telescope users associated with the University of Arizona are
being asked to document the scientific results that come from their 
use, in order to give our funding agencies and donors a clear idea of
the results that our telescopes are producing.

To that end, as an essential part of your getting time at the VATT, 
we ask that you:

(A) let us know about any publication that uses data you have 
obtained on the VATT, by email to:

(B) be sure to acknowledge explicitly in every publication that uses 
data from the VATT, that your work is based on data acquired at the 
VATT or is otherwise connected to the VATT

(C) use the facility keyword VATT in publications 
(Astronomy Data System
Notes: * Attention OBSERVERS: To prepare for your run, consult WEB
      at ""  Click on "VATT",
     "The VATT Observer's Home Page", "Information Before Observing",
     "VATT Operational Instructions", etc.
Request ROOMS week before run to Gary Gray:
And Cc: about your request for ROOMS.
*  Find any updates to this schedule at WEBsite above
vatt/sch/2020b.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/31 22:37 by paul