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12/08/11: Update of Time allocated on VATT for Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2011

Nights            observers              instrument         for

9/1   - 9/22      Duffek TBS             VATT, VATTSpec     Engineering 
Thu   - Thu                                                 Full Moon Mon 9/12

9/23  - 10/9      Boyle                  VATT4K             Star Clusters, and
Fri   - Sun	                                                YSO Variability
10/10 - 10/20     TBS                    VATT4K             Engineering   
Mon   - Thu	                                                Full Moon Wed 10/12
                                                            Prescott Astr Club 10/15
10/21 - 10/26     Beaton & Verbiscer     VATT4K             TNO Opposition Surge;
Fri   - Wed	                                                Galaxy Halo Streams

10/27 - 10/31     Consolmagno, Tegler    VATT4K             Colors of Centaurs
Thu   - Mon            Romanishin

11/1  - 11/2      Duffek, Harvey         VATTSpec           Engineering        
Tue   - Wed            Corbally

11/3  - 11/6      Corbally, Thomas       VATTSpec           Asteroids
Thu   - Sun       Harvey
11/7  - 11/17     TBS                    VATTSpec           Engineering        
Mon   - Thu                                                 Full Moon Thu 11/10   

11/18 - 11/21     Hegel & Jansen         VATT4K             Swift/UVOT Ly-alpha
Fri   - Mon	                                                Blob Search Follow-up
11/22 - 12/4      Boyle & Laugalys       VATT4K             Star Clusters;
Tue   - Sun                                                     YSO Variability

12/5  - 12/13     Hegel & Jansen         VATT4K             Star Clusters;
Mon   - Tue                                                     YSO Variability
                                                            Full Moon Sat 12/10

12/14 - 12/18     Boyle & Laugalys       VATT4K             Star Clusters;
Wed   - Sun                                                     YSO Variability

12/19 - 12/31     Boyle                  VATT4K             Brown Dwarfs
Mon   - Sat	                                                Flare Stars
                                                            New Moon Sun 12/25
Notes: * Attention OBSERVERS: To prepare for your run, consult the WEB
        at ""  Click on "VATT",
	"The VATT Observer's Home Page", "Information Before Observing",
	"VATT Operational Instructions", etc.

*  Find any updates to this schedule at WEBsite above
vatt/sch/2011b.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/31 23:28 by paul