Update of Time allocated on VATT for May 1 - Aug. 31, 2002 _______________________________________________________________________________ Nights of to instrument for _______________________________________________________________________________ 5/1 - 5/5 Nelson Engineering Wed - Sun 5/6 - 5/12 Funes & Gutierrez VATT2K Star Formation Rate of Mon - Sun Prada Dwarf Satellites Ex.Gal 5/13 - 5/16 Bell & Moustakas VATT2K Stellar & Dark Mass Mon - Thu Kranz & Walter Rix in Spiral Galaxies 5/17 - 5/20 TBS Fri - Mon 5/21 - 5/30 McKenna & Nelson Scidar Engineering Tue - Thu 5/31 - 6/1 TBS Fri - Sat 6/2 - 6/5 Nelson & 3 CORMASS Engineering Sun - Wed 6/6 - 6/9 Garnavich & student VATT2K High-z SN Lightcurves Thu - Sun Photometric Redshift 6/10 - 6/14 Gillespie & Jansen VATT2K Bulges in Formation at Mon - Fri Current Epoch (L-16) 6/15 - 6/22 Nelson & Swift Primary Mirror Sat - Sat Franz 6/23 - 8/31 Nelson Engineering Sun - Sat _______________________________________________________________________________ Notes: * Attention OBSERVERS: To prepare for your run, consult the WEB at "http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo" Click on "Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope", "VATT Observers Home Page", "Information before Observing", "VATT Operational Instructions", "VATT TCS Reference Manual" * Observers during the run should read daily the e-mail to user "vattobs" * Find any updates to this schedule at WEBsite above * Use DAT for data or CD-R. Only in emergency use FTP over 128 Kbps. * NEW MOON: May 12, June 10, July 10, August 8 * Deadline for requesting "To Be Scheduled" (TBS) time is one week before _______________________________________________________________________________