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Phillips 24" Telescope

Elevation: 2776 m = 9108 ft.
Latitude: 32° 26' 31.42" N
Longitude: 110° 47' 19.61" W
Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00) 
Primary Mirror Diameter: 0.61 m = 24 inches
f/7.8 Cassegrain focus
Plate Scale: 23.1 microns/arcsec = 43.4 arcsec/mm (nominal)
Typical Seeing: 1.5-2.5"
Focuser: [needs calculation]
NCFZ: [needs calculation]

RA Axis

Teknic CPM-SDHP-2321S-ELS (4000 steps per rev)
Gearbox: APEX Dynamics AB060-S2-P1 (10:1)
RA Gear: Byer's 20 inch Research Grade RA gear (640 teeth)
Steps per Revolution: 25,600,000 steps (0.05063" per step)

DEC Axis

Motor: Teknic CPM-SDHP-2321S-ELS (4000 steps per rev)
Gearbox: APEX Dynamics AB060-S2-P1 (10:1) 
Dec Gear: Byer's 15 inch Research Grade DEC gear (360 teeth)  
Steps per Revolution: 14,400,000 steps (0.09000" per step)	 




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public/catalinas/lemmon/phillips_24/phillips_24_telescope.1692902656.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/24 11:44 by tdeyoe