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public:catalinas:bigelow:kuiper_61:troubleshooting:azcam_load_controller_file_error [2019/09/03 16:02]
davner created
public:catalinas:bigelow:kuiper_61:troubleshooting:azcam_load_controller_file_error [2020/02/06 10:43] (current)
Line 8: Line 8:
 The issue should be fixed. If not, repeat.  The issue should be fixed. If not, repeat. 
 +The desktop icon is no longer there, shutdown bigccd completely, restarting does not work, and turn bigccd back on using the power button on the front.  This fixes the issue.
public/catalinas/bigelow/kuiper_61/troubleshooting/azcam_load_controller_file_error.1567551760.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/09/03 16:02 by davner