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Last Updated: 04/22/2019

Cold Start Power Up Sequence

Procedure for coming out of lightning shutdown or checking out the telescope and instrument.

Dome Part 1

  1. Dome encoder cable over entry door

West side of blue yoke, declination axis

  1. Dec encoder
  2. Dec motor
  3. Dec tac

West side of base flange

  1. Finder scope lamp power (for reticle)

East side of base flange

  1. Limit cable
  2. Index sensor cable

Inside the south pier

  1. From outlet box #5
    1. Power cord running to power strip inside blue rack
    2. Power cord running to power strip mounted to south pier
    3. Power cord running to index meter box
  2. Black rectangle cable connection laying inside
    1. NOTE: Two cables plugged into one another that have black connectors
  3. Index meter cable
    1. NOTE: Connects up underneath backside of index meter box

RA Axis

  1. RA encoder on west side
  2. RA motor cable on east side
  3. RA tachometer cable on east side

Backside of blue rack

  1. Silver outlet box
    1. Mux power plug
    2. Bus extender cable
    3. Bus BNC
  2. Bus extender
    1. Bus cable
      1. NOTE: There is a black screw keeping cable in place.
  3. Backside of dome box
    1. #4 paddle
    2. #2 bus extender cable
    3. Dome encoder
    4. DEC encoder cable
    5. RA encoder cable
  4. Backside of stepper box
    1. Gate out BNC

Control Room

Backside of blue control rack

  1. Bottom of rack
    1. #5 TTL mono dome
    2. #3 stepper motor control
    3. #2 computer manual to dome and telescope control
    4. #1 single paddle control to old paddle
  2. FORTH computer backside
    1. NOTE: If 2MASS is on the telescope there is nothing to disconnect. If another instrument is on the telescope then disconnect Com2 cable.
  3. Silver outlet box
    1. Bus BNC
    2. Power supply cable
    3. Power supply cable

Backside of rack #1

  1. PC splitter box
    1. “From dome” silver cable
  2. Video monitor
    1. Video input BNC cable
  3. TV offset guide control backside
    1. Round connector
  4. Focus panel backside
    1. Focus cable on left hand side
      1. NOTE: Easy to miss
  5. Chop box
    1. Large round connector cable
    2. Transducer BNC

Backside of rack #2

  1. RA motor round connector
  2. Temperature sensor square gray plug
    1. NOTE: Easy to miss

Backside of rack #3

  1. DEC motor cable
  2. Master Control Panel backside
    1. Slew SW BNC far left
    2. J12 under cccc to the right
  3. Telescope drive control backside
    1. Limit cable p8
    2. #5 TDC cable
    3. Tilt meter cable
      1. NOTE: Easy to miss, just under DEC preamp
    4. #5 DEC preamp
    5. #7 RA preamp

Front of blue control panel

  1. Ribbon cable from port 5 to 5

Front of rack #1

  1. Microphone connection for dome

Behind control console

  1. Plug two calbes running into ceiling
  2. Plug power strip and UPS laying on the floor into the wall outlet
  3. Plug two ethernets

Dome Part 2


  1. Plug in UPS into wall outlet.
  2. Turn on UPS.
  3. Plug in orange extension cord into UPS
  4. Remove the cover form temperature control port.
  5. While wearing a grounding strap, connect temperature controller cable.
  6. Plug in temperature controller unit into UPS.
    1. NOTE: Sits on blue rack
  7. Plug in the Controller square gray power supply into power strip at base of telescope.
  8. Plug in the IR Camera Power silver box into power strip at base of telescope.
  9. Turn on Controller power supply
  10. Turn on IR Camera power supply

Follow the instructions in the black binder to finish setup.

public/lemmon/minnesota_60/cold_start_power_up_sequence.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/09 11:10 by davner