Please note, these procedures were taken directly from the following documents: “Kitt Peak Emergency Manual”, “Fire Extinguisher and Emergency Evacuation SOP”, and “Conducting Safety Review for Kitt Peak Visitors/Observers” and were given to us by Tammie Levoie to improve our site's safety
If the emergency requires additional help don’t hesitate to Dial 911.
When using a fire extinguisher, workers are encouraged to use the P.A.S.S. technique. The directions on how to correctly use this method are listed below.
After one or two beeps, state your message. This is a two-way radio phone patch. Follow the Emergency Call Procedure below. Dial “#” to disconnect.
If there is not an immediate answer, DO NOT HANG UP. 8777 rings a sequence of extensions beginning with the reception desk until a responsible person is reached. Follow the Emergency Call Procedure below. In the event that you are unable to contact anyone on the mountain or if you feel that the emergency requires additional help, Dial 911 and follow the Emergency Call Procedure below.
Emergency Call Procedure: State on the telephone or the radio:
In the event that Kitt Peak management decides that there is danger to people on the mountain, notification to evacuate will be communicated on the radio, by phone and physically. Everyone is asked to comply with the request of the Incident Commander/Kitt Peak First Response Team Leader.
After normal office hours (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM), all calls reporting an emergency are to be directed to Extension 8777 or the radio patch extension 8721 or 911 (if needed).
During the 4M construction phase, the WIYN OA is the contact person at 8760.
(The 4M Observing Assistant (OA) will resume this role when the telescope goes into operation-8620.)
Observatory Personnel:
Lists of speed-dial numbers of observatory personnel home telephone numbers are carried by all Observing Techs as well as being posted in all telescopes.
Local Government:
Tucson Police Department 911
Non-Emergency 791-4444
Tucson Fire Department 911
U of A Police Department 911
Non-Emergency 621-8273
1852 East First Street
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Bomb Squad 911
Tohono O’Odham Department of Public Safety 911 all emergencies
Fire 520-383-8276
Police 520-383-3275
Environmental Office 520-383-8113
Solid Waste Regulatory Office 520-383-8681
Livestock Facilities 520-383-6480
Tribal Herd 520-383-2459
Federal Agencies:
U.S. Border Patrol 520-505-7945
U.S. Customs 520-407-2300
Center for Disease Control (CDC) 404-639-3311
U.S. Forest Service Supervisors Office 520-388-8300
State Agencies:
Dept. of Public Safety – Highway Patrol and Helicopter 520-746-4500
Fire Marshal’s Office 520-628-6920
AZ Occupational Safety and Health Administration 520-628-5478
Road Conditions 511
Department of Environmental Quality, Tucson 520-745-4536
Agriculture – Pesticide Hotline 602-255-3664
AZ Game and Fish (Tucson) 520-628-5376
Poison Control 800-222-1222
County Agencies:
Sheriff 520-351-4600
Animal Control 520-724-5900
Disease Control 520-243-7800
Kitt Peak Cell Phones:
Administration (cell phone number) (dial 1-520) 520-730-1276
Fire Barn (cell phone number) 520-730-1132
Telephone Room (cell phone number) 520-730-5739
Chemical Spill, Kitt Peak Emergency Number 8777/8721
Water Main Break 8777/8721
4 meter elevator emergency telephone 520-383-3540
Telephones and total power failure at Kitt Peak – Use Cell Phones
Tohono O'odham Utility Authority (Kitt Peak power lines only)
Power Outage 1-520-383-5800
Sells access (power failure line without generator) 1-520-383-2892
Univ. Physicians Healthcare @ Kino Hospital, 2800 East Ajo Way 520-874-2000
Northwest Medical Center, 6200 North La Cholla Blvd. 520-742-9000
St. Joseph's, 350 North Wilmot Road 520-873-3000
St. Mary's, 1601 West St. Mary's Road 520-872-3000
Sells Hospital 520-383-7200
Tucson Medical Center, 5301 East Grant Road 520-324-1310
University Medical Center, 1501 North Campbell Avenue 520-694-0111
Other Tucson Police Contacts:
Auto Theft 520-791-4664
Burglary 520-791-5171
Fingerprinting 520-791-4697
Fraud 520-791-4481
Gangs 520-351-4460
Homicide 520-791-4487
Missing Persons 520-791-5159
Traffic 520-791-4440
Traffic Investigations 520-791-4389
Kitt Peak Mountain Staff:
Larry Reddell, Kitt Peak Facilities Supervisor
520-318-8734 (Office)
520-318-8611 (Residence)
William Buckingham, Visitor Center Manager
520-318-8163 (Office)
Please call Joe, Bill, Gary, Melanie, or Dan to let them know if something on our site caught fire