Telescope Shutdown check List
Turn Off tracking and any bias rates that are enables.
Stow the Telescope.
Stow the Dome by aligning arrows on east wall.
Disable The telescope.
Close mirror covers on main scope.
Close dome shutter
Raise the lower windscreen until it hits lower limit
Lower the upper windscreen until it overlaps the lower windscreen
Lower the observing platfor all the way down
Fill the dewar if needed.
Bolt catwalk door
Fill out and send trouble report
Check Weather forecast for next day. If ANY chace of thunderstorm/lightning put observatory in lightning shutdown.
Make sure stove/oven are off and fridge is closed.
Make sure lazyboy is not directly in front of heater in control room.\
In Winter make sure heater is on and set to 3.5
Turn off all lights
Make sure front door is locked
set dome alarm
double check front door is locked after walking out.
public/bigelow/kuiper_61/shutdown_checklist.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/07 10:21 by davner