Lightning Shutdown
Complete “End of Normal Night of Observing” shutdown
In Dome
Turn off all instrument electronics, including the camera shutter, and unplug two power strips and CCD power cord from orange plugs under the telescope.
On the west side, two power strips are now plugged into the two outlets. Those are what need to be unplugged for lightning shutdown on this side
If in use: shut down laptop computer, and unplug laptop from the orange UPS outlets located near the floor on the platform control console
The focus is no longer operating off the orange extension cord that plugged into the powerstrip on the south end of the scope, it’s hardwired in, so you don’t have to worry about it.
Turn off TCS computer using the light switch
Turn off telescope power
Lower platform
Turn off main power
In Control room
On BIGAUX double click “shutdown bigpop”, and click shutdown bigpop when prompted. You will need to enter the username “bigobs” and the Gerard password.
Manually shutdown all computers.
Turn off printer.
Turn off Telcom server
Turn off and unplug power strip on west wall.
Unplug printer relay.
Unplug everything from orange outlets behind observer work station, as well as UPS outlets by the video finder scope monitor
Unplug computer racks (plugged into orange outlet #4 on wall below emergency stop)
In UPS Room, unplug:
public/bigelow/kuiper_61/lightning_shutdown.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/07 10:21 by davner