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When Pointing is Lost

When pointing is lost a Hard Stow must be preformed.

  1. Get the telescope as close to stow as you can with the hand paddle first just by eye.
  2. Get out the level in the blue cabinet on the west wall and put the level flush on the bottom of the telescope (the white part), first having the level running north/south and centering the bubble, then have the level running east/west and center the bubble. Check the north/south again to make sure that is still good.
  3. Turn off the telescope power by flipping the switch on the south wall.
  4. Turn on the telescope power.
  5. Restart INDIserver and Xephem.
  6. Enable the scope and check that the telemetry is reading it at 90 elevation, 180 azimuth.
  7. Run the scope around the sky and then send it back to stow.
  8. Confirm both north/south and east/west is still level.

You're good to go!

public/21_inch/ray_white_21_inch_telescope/when_pointing_is_lost.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/30 14:56 by mel