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Observing Safety

Mirror Cover/Dome Collisions

When the mirror covers are open the telescope can hit the dome!! Make sure to watch the mirror covers when slewing the telescope as they can hit the catwalk on either side of the upper shutter. If there is time click the cancel button to ramp the telescope down to a stop. If you must stop immediately click the disable button. You can also hit the Emergency Stop button on the observatory control panel on the south wall of the dome.

Telescope Runaways

The telescope will runaway and not stop if the NGTCS computer (on the west side of the telescope mount) dies while the telescope is moving. You MUST run over and hit the Emergency Stop button on the observatory control panel which will kill power to the RA and DEC drive motors stopping the motion. If this happens telescope pointing will be lost and you will have to preform a hardstow. See the section on Hard Stow to recover.

Telescope/Items on Observing Floor Collisions

You must make sure that the telescope will clear all items on the observing floor BEFORE you move the telescope! Be sure to watch any cables that could get caught.


The dome is dark! Be careful when stepping onto and off of the observing platform!

public/21_inch/ray_white_21_inch_telescope/observing_safety.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/30 14:53 by mel