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Normal Start Up

  1. Check to see if weather conditions are within safe observing limits.
  2. Plug in the twist lock AC power cable to the dome shutter motor on the south wall.
  3. Switch “dome power” to the ON position at the observatory control box (middle black button)located on the south wall of the dome.
  4. Open the upper shutter by pressing and releasing the OPEN button on the shutter control box. Be ready to hit the STOP button until the shutter is fully open. When the dome is stowed this box is to the south.
  5. Switch “telescope power” to the ON position at the observatory control box located on the south wall of the dome.
  6. Unplug the twist lock AC power cable to the dome shutter motor on the south wall (or the dome won't move).
  7. Power on the XEphem computer in the blue rack to the west of the operators table.
  8. When prompted login as “21inch operator”, password - check your notes. Hit Enter.
  9. Switch “dome control” to the remote position on the observatory control box on the south wall.
  10. Open the mirror covers using the handles on the side of the telescope (in the correct order, south side first then north side).
  11. Start INDIserver.
  12. Start Xephem.
  13. Start “SafeTelescope” to display enable/disable and cancel functions.
  14. Turn on black video finder monitor.
  15. Remove video camera finder scope lens cap.
  16. Open large finder scope mirror cover.
  17. It is highly recommended that you initialize the telescope before you start your observations.
  18. Record weather conditions before you start observing so you can complete the trouble report later.
public/21_inch/ray_white_21_inch_telescope/normal_start_up.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/30 14:53 by mel