Normal Shutdown
Stow the telescope. TCS-NG-INDI → Goto Functions → Stow
Close the telescope mirror covers (in the correct order - north first, then south)
Close large finder scope mirror cover
Place lens cap on video finder scope
Put away eyepieces
Stow the dome. Use the hand paddle to center the shutter over the eastern dome rotation wheel above the main entry door to the dome.
Plug in the twist lock AC power cable to the dome shutter motor on the west wall.
Close the shutter by pressing and releasing the CLOSE button on the shutter control box. Be ready to hit the STOP button until the shutter is fully closed. When the dome is stowed this box is to the south.
Unplug the twist lock AC power cable to the dome shutter motor on the west wall.
Disable telescope in XEphem.
Close Xephem
Fill out and send a 21“ Trouble Report even if there weren't any problems during the night!
Close all other open applications, windows, etc.
Shutdown the NGTCS computer in blue rack west of operators table.
Turn off black video monitor
Switch “telescope power” to the OFF position at the observatory control box located on the south wall of the dome.
Switch “dome power” to the OFF position at the observatory control box (middle black button) located on the south wall of the dome.
Switch “dome control” to the local position on the observatory control box.
public/21_inch/ray_white_21_inch_telescope/normal_shutdown.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/30 14:54 by mel