This page is a set of instructions on how to install Astroconda on a Linux machine. This can be done by any user with an account on any Linux machine. You do not need sudo privileges to install Astrconda,
These instructions will be a shortened version of the instructions that can be found on the Astroconda page.
In order to install Astroconda you must first install Anaconda or Miniconda. The instructions will assume you want to install Anaconda.
To install anaconda go to this Anaconda link. The python 3.x download will be in the middle of the page on the left. You will have a choice of three different architecture.
Most likely your computer is 64-Bit x86 but if you are not sure, open a terminal on the computer you wish to install anaconda and type:
uname -a
This will return some information about your kernel and architecture. If you see i686 or i386 your computer is 32 bit if you see x86_64 your computer is 64 bit with x86 instruction set.
Once you know your architecture, right click on the link that is relevant to you. In the drop-down menu choose “Copy Link Location”. In your terminal type wget and a space and paste the link location and hit enter. This will download the Anaconda installer shell script.
Run this script by typing into the terminal:
bash ./<name of script> like: bash ./
The Script will then ask you to read the license terms. Do this by hitting enter until you have reached the bottom of the license agreement. Then type “yes” to accept. You can then follow the instructions to finish the installation. I recommend allowing the script to change your .bashrc setting to add the anaconda directory to your path. This way when you run python it will call the anaconda version of python and not the system python.
Adding the Astroconda channel is very easy. Simply copy and paste the following line into your terminal:
conda config --add channels
To add the python3 Astroconda Environment:
conda create -n astroconda stsci
To activate the Astroconda environment:
source activate astroconda
To add the pyraf27 environment:
conda create -n iraf27 python=2.7 iraf-all pyraf-all stsci
To activate the pyraf27 environment:
source activate iraf27
To deactivate an environment:
source deactivate