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What's new at the 61"?
The upper windscreen is now working!
The password for bigccd1 is “azcam”.
The “kill bigpop” icon on bigaux is not working.
The hot keys f9 and f10 are no longer in service.
The first time coming out of lightning shutdown, bigccd will freeze on the first exposure you take, locking the entire system and forcing you to hard shutdown the computer. To prevent this, when you first turn on bigccd restart the computer through the “start” menu before opening azcam.
There is a new generator that fires up automatically when Trico power is lost.
With a new instrument being used at the 61“, homing the focus at the beginning of each night is of upmost importance. After homing, select Mont4K
from the FOCUS panel to set to a value close to the best focus for the Mont4K. Observers may not even see stars in images if the focus is too far off.
Last updated 05/7/17
kuiper/what_s_new_at_the_61.1525728045.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/07 14:20 by davner