Kuiper Telescope Operating Notes 02/21/2019
Please note, this is not a guide for operating the Mont4k instrument, just the telescope operating system, for more details about the M4K, please go to:
To find an electronic copy go to:
Useful Weather Links
Cold Start Power Up Sequence
UPS Room
In Dome
Check to see if any electronics are plugged into the east or west orange outlets on the base of the telescope. If so, make sure they are turned off.
Turn on Main Power.
Turn on Telescope Power.
Bottom of the telescope
East Orange Outlet:
West orange outlet
Turn on instrument
Camera power supply
Shutter power supply
Both power strips
Guider chiller
Guider/Filter wheel box
Guider power supply
Turn TCS box on using the light switch next to the NG box on the east side of the yellow pier. This will be marked with neon green tape.
If you're going to be operating from the dome using the laptop, plug in the laptop, turn it on, and sign in with the same password used on Gerard.
Control Room
Start of a Normal Night of Observing
Open all relevant weather websites on BigAux and verify safe observing conditions
Check the white board in the dome and make sure the last time the M4K was filled was under 24 hours ago. If it was filled over 24 hours ago, call Joe or Melanie for further instruction.
Walk the catwalk and verify safe observing conditions
Record opening time, wind speed, wind direction, temperature and humidity for trouble report
Make sure observing platform is down
Make sure the ladder, LN2 dewar, light over console, and anything else that the telescope/instrument could hit are all clearly out of the way
Verify mirror covers are closed
Separate upper and lower windscreens enough to see the dome shutter
Open dome shutter
Fully raise upper windscreen (or set to desired position)
Fully lower the lower windscreen (or set to desired position)
Open the primary mirror covers
Turn off all dome lights
Close door at top of stairs
Record the weather conditions at the time of opening (windspeed, direction, humidity, temperature, time)
Starting TCSng
Log into Gerard using the Kuiper password on the white board.
Open The following programs by double clicking on their icons
Safe Telescope Button
INDI Server
Click “RT” button under looping if Xephem is not updating the time.
Click “View” and Select “Sky View”.
Click “Telescope” in Sky View window and select “INDI panel”
In the “INDI Panel” window that opens connect to each of the following modules:
Expand “TCS-NG-INDI”
Telemetry ⇒ Connection ⇒ On
Actions ⇒ Enable: this enables the telescope, and allows the focus and dome modules to update, as well as allows you to use the paddle on the bottom of the scope.
Expand “Dome-NG-INDI”
You should now have information in each module updating regularly.
Please note that the order of the modules on the INDI Panel window changes randomly. For example TCS-NG-INDI may be listed first one time you use it and second or third another time.
Moving the Telescope
YOU MUST FIRST GO INTO THE DOME AND MAKE SURE IT IS CLEAR TO MOVE THE SCOPE (ladders out of the way, elevator down, etc)
For any move, turn on the Dome Camera and watch the telescope until it gets to its target!
Ways to move
With the Sky View window
Right click on desired object
Click Telescope GoTo
The coordinates should populate in the NEXT section of TCS telemetry
Under “Actions” click “Go Next with PEC”
Watch the telescope move in the dome camera!
When moving with the Sky View window or entering Equatorial coordinates, the telescope will start tracking automatically
Equatorial Coordinates
In INDI control panel
GoTo Functions
Enter desired RA, Dec and Epoch
Click “set” or hit the enter key
Then under “Actions” hit “Go Next with PEC”
Watch the telescope move in the dome camera!
When moving with the Sky View window or entering Equatorial coordinates, the telescope will start tracking automatically
Alt/Az Coordinates
In INDI control panel
GoTo Functions ⇒ AltAz GoTo
Enter the desired Altitude and Azimuth
Click “set” or hit the enter key
Watch the telescope move in the dome camera!
Note: The telescope will start moving after you click Set or hit Enter. There is no Go Next button for Alt/Az positions. Tracking does not start automatically when entering Alt/Az positions.
Stopping the Telescope (From the Control Room)
Three easy ways to stop the telescope when moving
Use the large “Cancel” button from the “Safe Telescope Program”
In the INDI control panel
Telemetry ⇒ Actions ⇒ Cancel; This ramps the telescope down slowly.
Telemetry ⇒ Actions ⇒ Disable; This cuts power to the drives immediately. If nothing/no one is in immediate danger use the Cancel button.
Emergency Stop button mounted on north wall (last resort!)
Starting the programs needed for typical M4K use
On Gerard
On BigCCD1
For regular M4K users-start the Azcam program by double clicking the desktop icon that says “Start Mont4K” There is another
CSS version that is only used by the Catalina Sky Survey.
On Bigguider
Send the scope to a bright star close to the zenith
In FOCUS-NG-INDI, click the “home” focus position. Wait until the focus stops moving.
Once the focus is homed, click on the M4K focus position. This should get you close to focus.
Using the hardware paddle in the dome, finish getting the star in focus, then center the star in the video finder scope first if you cannot see the star in one of the finderscopes attached to the telescope. If you can see the star in one of the finderscopes, center it in that field of view.
In the control room use the software paddle to center the star in the science camera or guider.
In the “Actions” menu under TCS-NG-INDI click “Init Next”.
Don't Click “Init Commanded” unless you are a very experienced user!
Note: When you change the focus in the FOCUS-NG-INDI module, do not enter relative steps you want the focus to move. For example if the focus is at 300, and you want to move it to 350, type 350 in the box, not 50.
Video finder scope
Display The Limit Map:
In SkyView Window
Click “Control”
Click “Horizon”
Click “save”
click “close”
Time to event
Currently there is no indication (flashing, etc) on the TCS screen that you have hit a limit
Software Limits
Horizon limits all the way around
Confirmed with CJ 10/23/17
Hardware Limits
North Limit ~62 degrees declination
South Slew Limit 10 degrees elevation (~-43 Dec)
South Hard Limit 5 degrees elevation (~-48 Dec)
import sys
def main(fname):
fd = open( fname )
for line in fd:
name, ra, dec = line.split()
print( "{name},f,{ra}|0.0,{dec}|0.0,4.0,2000,0".format(name=name, ra=ra, dec=dec) )
except Exception as err:
# Main takes the path and file name of your catalog.
# The catalog should have exactly three values for any object.
# Lines without three space or tab separated values will be ignored
# The Xephem style catalog records will be printed to stdout and can be piped to a file like:
# python makecat.py > mycat.edb
# the Xephem catalog should have a .edb extension and should be placed in the /home/bigobs/catalogs
Selecting a catalog
Catalogs in list form
Satellite Tracking
This telescope has the capability to track satellites by using the TLE
Satellite tracking is located in TCS-NG-INDI
TLE Retrieve
requires the user to enter the Norad ID
Do not type in the TLE information manually unless the user has ample experience with the telescope
Start Satellite Tracking
[-] TLE
TLE Retrieve
Type in the Norad ID
Select Set
This will populate TLE Entry
name, line 1 and line 2 of the TLE
This will populate TLE Status
altitude and azimuth
TLE Entry
TLE Status
TLE Actions
Stop Satellite Tracking
It is good practice to verify the telescope has stopped tracking.
There is a known bug that the telescope stops responding to the TCS after satellite tracking. If this occurs, please contact Scott Swindell.
Laptop use
Before you boot the computer, plug it into the network via ethernet. When it boots, it will then hopefully have the right time.
If it still does not have the right time, run the “Update time” program by double clicking the icon on the laptop's desktop.
There is now a safe telescope button you can bring up using an icon on the desktop
Operating From the Dome
You can use Xephem and the INDI Panel on the laptop to control the dome, focus, and telescope. The laptop is currently being stored upstairs in the old control console.
Hardware Paddle
The hardware paddle can control the dome, focus and telescope. The default guide and drift (2 and 40 arcsecs/sec) rates are very slow for telescope operation. You can change these values in the “Rates” section of the Indi Panel, under the TCS-NG-INDI module.
End of Normal Night of Observing
Stow the telescope and dome
Disable the telescope: TCS-NG-INDI ⇒ Actions ⇒ Enable
Close the mirror covers
Close the dome slit
Stow the wind screens
Fill the dewar
Complete the trouble reports, the more detail you provide to the day crew the better!
When you leave the building for the night, set the alarm and make sure the front door is locked
Lightning Shutdown
Complete “End of Normal Night of Observing” shutdown
In Dome
Turn off all instrument electronics, including the camera shutter, and unplug two power strips and CCD power cord from orange plugs under the telescope.
On the west side, two power strips are now plugged into the two outlets. Those are what need to be unplugged for lightning shutdown on this side
If in use: shut down laptop computer, and unplug laptop from the orange UPS outlets located near the floor on the platform control console
The focus is no longer operating off the orange extension cord that plugged into the powerstrip on the south end of the scope, it’s hardwired in, so you don’t have to worry about it.
Turn off TCS computer using the light switch
Turn off telescope power
Lower platform
Turn off main power
In Control room
On BIGAUX double click “shutdown bigpop”, and click shutdown bigpop when prompted. You will need to enter the username “bigobs” and the Gerard password.
Manually shutdown all computers.
Turn off printer.
Turn off Telcom server
Turn off and unplug power strip on west wall.
Unplug printer relay.
Unplug everything from orange outlets behind observer work station, as well as UPS outlets by the video finder scope monitor
The computer racks that were plugged into orange outlet #4 on wall have been plugged into a power strip behind the monitors. Make sure the power strip gets unplugged.
CSS monitors (the four monitors mounted on the wall) must be unplugged. There is a black power strip labeled that needs to be removed from the wall.
In UPS Room, unplug:
Operating the Exhaust fan
If the humidity inside the dome is high enough to prevent you from opening, but the humidity outside the dome is lower than 90%, you can turn on the exhaust fan to dry out the dome before you observe.
To do that, make sure it's safe for you to open the dome (slit pointed so if the sun is still up, no direct sunlight will get on the telescope; not raining, wind speeds within bounds).
Raise the platform so you have about a foot gap between the bottom of it and the surrounding floor.
In the control room next to the emergency stop button, there is a light switch labeled exhaust fan which can now be turned on.
Mirror covers should be closed, and telescope should be disabled.
How to recover from Telcom issues
Close out guider software
Turn off all guider items (controller & chiller on telescope, bigguider in control room)
Flip power switch off on Telcom box and wait 2 minutes, flip back on
Type “telescope” in terminal window on Gerard to see if telemetry updates - if so
Restart all guiding items (bigguider in the control room, the chiller & controller on the telescope)
Wait for a minute and restart the guiding software on bigguider
Setting circles at stow