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ACP Software Change Log

Found below are the changes made to ACP that are “custom” and must be implemented with each new installation or Upgrade of ACP.

June 27th 2017

(aaa.js) function main() {

// RAR = RightAscensionRate
Console.PrintLine("Has RAR? " + Telescope.CanSetRightAscensionRate);
Console.PrintLine("RAR=" + Telescope.RightAscensionRate);


According to the LCOGT driver RightAscensionRate is an available property which returns “true.” However when the RAR is set… the LCOGT driver replies “input String in the wrong format”

In AcquireSupport.wsc a hard coded change was made to make this a fixed “false” so that no error occurs.

If Telescope.CanSetTracking And Telescope.CanSetRightAscensionRate And Telescope.CanSetDeclinationRate Then

  If False Then
      c_haveTrackOffset = True
      Util.Console.PrintLine "Mount supports tracking rate offsets"
      x = False
      On Error Resume Next                                    ' Catch errors here 
      If Telescope.RightAscensionRate <> 0.0 Then Telescope.RightAscensionRate = 0.0
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then x = True                        ' Oops this one failed
      If Not x Then                                           ' Only if the RightAscensionRate went OK, try DeclinationRate
          If Telescope.DeclinationRate <> 0.0 Then Telescope.DeclinationRate = 0.0
          If Err.Number <> 0 Then x = True
      End If
      On Error GoTo 0
      ' If x is True, then one of the above failed, probably for tracking state.
      ' If tracking is off then turn it on and re-do the above. This time the
      ' actions really should succeed. It is a fatal script error if they don't.
      If x Then
          y = Telescope.Tracking                              ' Preserve current tracking state
          If Not y Then Telescope.Tracking = True             ' Turn it on for these rate initializations
          If Telescope.RightAscensionRate <> 0.0 Then Telescope.RightAscensionRate = 0.0
          If Telescope.DeclinationRate <> 0.0 Then Telescope.DeclinationRate = 0.0
          If Not y Then Telescope.Tracking = False            ' If tracking was off, turn it back on
      End If
      c_trackOffset = False
acp_changelog.1498601294.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/27 15:08 by ngc1535