Warm Shutdown / Jun 11, 2024 / P Gabor
TomPack Viewer > Main Controls > Auxiliary Systems > Automatic Shutdown : click START
Wait until the shutdown process runs its course.
Now you are ready for bed!
Sometimes it may be advisable to disconnect the guider camera, the M2 hexapod, the guide box, etc. Here are some tips.
In PHD2, clicking on the icon which resembles a male USB connector, open the Connect window. There click Disconnect. Now you can safely close PHD2.
Click Disconnect in the Guide Box GUI.
Turn off Autocollimation in the M2 GUI, then Disconnect.
Now you are ready to terminate INDI. First, locate the terminal titled Secondary and Guidebox and in it perform CTRL-C; then locate the terminal titled INDI Server and in it perform CTRL-C. Done.