11/27/17: Update of Time allocated on VATT for Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2017 

Nights          observers               instrument      for

9/1   - 9/28    Engineering                                                            
Fri   - Thu                                             FULL 9/5,Last Qt 9/12

9/29  - 10/8    Ilyin                   PEPSI (10N)     Radial Velocity Project	
Fri   - Sun     Franz                                   FULL MOON 10/5       

10/9  - 10/15   Boyle                   GUFI            Brown Dwarfs
Mon   - Sun                                             Last Qt. 10/12

10/16 - 10/20   Kikwaya                 VATT4K          NEOs spin & color
Mon   - Fri                                             NEW MOON 10/19

10/21 - 10/29   Boyle                   VATT4K          Asteroids search
Sat   - Sun

10/30 - 11/6    Engineering                             Secondary installation         
Mon   - Mon                                             FULL MOON 11/3       

11/7  - 11/12   Schindler & co          VATTSpec        Extremely Lum. Quasars
Tue   - Sun                                             Bright-End QLF (S147)

11/13 - 11/17   Kikwaya                 VATT4K          NEOs spin & color
Mon   - Fri                                             NEW MOON 11/17

11/18 - 11/20   Mommert & co            VATT4K          Potentially Active   
Sat   - Mon                                             Asteroids    (S159)

11/21 - 11/27   Boyle	                GUFI            Brown Dwarfs
Tue   - Mon                                             1st. Qt. 11/25

11/28 - 11/30   Engineering                                              
Tue   - Thu                                             FULL MOON 12/3       

12/1  - 12/10   Ilyin                   PEPSI (10N)     Radial Velocity Project	
Fri   - Sun     Franz                                   FULL MOON 12/3       

12/11 - 12/13   Mommert & co            VATT4K          Potentially Active   
Mon   - Wed                                             Asteroids    (S159)

12/14 - 12/28   Boyle, Butler,          GUFI            Brown Dwarfs
Thu   - Thu     Dulaimi                                 NEW 12/17,1st Qt. 12/25

12/29 - 12/31   TBS                                     1st. Qtr. 12/25         
Fri   - Sun                                             FULL MOON 1/1       
Notes: * Attention OBSERVERS: To prepare for your run, consult the WEB
        at "http://www.vaticanobservatory.org/VATT/"  Click on "VATT",
        "The VATT Observer's Home Page", "Information Before Observing",
        "VATT Operational Instructions", etc.
Request BEDROOMS a week before run to Gary S. Gray    garyg1@email.arizona.edu
       *  Find any updates to this schedule at WEBsite above

       * ALERT! 1. VATT's upgrades have reached a stage when more engineering
down-time and commissioning on-sky time will be required. Unfortunately, this
may disrupt our schedule. We shall do our best to reduce the inconvenience to a
minimum but please be advised that YOUR RUN might have to be rescheduled. 

                2. Starting in September 2017 there will be a new support
system for VATT's secondary mirror.  We are confident that the new system will
be more reliable and easier to work with (e.g. when collimating) but bear in
mind that you will need to become acquainted with it to learn its operation.