Update of Time allocated on VATT for Jan 1 - Apr 30, 2006

Nights of       to                      instrument      for

1/1  - 1/5      Boyle                   VATT2K          Stromvil on Clusters
Sun  - Thu

1/10 - 1/24     Potter & Graham         PEPPER          Extrasolar Planets
Tue  - Tue      (full moon 1/14)                        Tau Boo b (S82)

1/25 - 1/29     Verbiscer & Peterson    VATT2K          Opposition of Saturn's
Wed  - Sun      (new moon 1/29)                         Satellites (GTO 89)

1/30 - 2/13     McKenna & Franz         Guider          Engineering
Mon  - Mon      & Swift (full 2/13)

2/14 - 2/19     TBS / McKenna & Franz   VATT            TBS / Engineering
Tue  - Sun            & Swift

2/20 - 2/22     Ryan & Ryan             VATT2K          Photometric Survey of
Mon  - Wed      Martinez & Juarez                       Vesta Family Asteroids

2/23 - 2/25     Stansberry & Trilling   VATT2K          KBOs to Support Spitzer
Thu  - Sat                                              Thermal Obs.  (S81)

2/26 - 3/2      Hergenrother &          VATT2K          Physical Properties
Sun  - Thu      Whiteley (new 2/28)                     Asteroids, Comets (S77)

3/3  - 3/4      Funes & assistant       VATT2K          Star Formation in Outer
Fri  - Sat      (Moon +7.8 on 3/7)                      Disks of Nearby Galaxies

3/5  - 3/9      Ryan & Ryan             VATT2K          Photometric Survey of
Sun  - Thu      Martinez & Juarez                       Vesta Family Asteroids

3/10 - 3/16     McKenna & Franz         VATT            Engineering
Fri  - Thu      & Swift (full 3/14)

3/17 - 3/28     Boyle & Philip          VATT2K          Stromvil on Clusters
Fri  - Tue

3/29 - 4/2      Consolmagno, Tegler,    VATT2K          Kuiper Belt Objects
Wed  - Sun      Romanishin (new 3/28)                           and Centaurs

4/3  - 4/9      McKenna & Franz         VATT            Engineering
Mon  - Sun      & Swift

4/10 - 4/20     Potter & Graham         PEPPER          Extrasolar Planets Tau
Mon  - Thu      (full moon 4/13)                        Boo b (S82)

4/21 - 4/25     Jansen & Grogin         VATT2K          Ha Galaxies within Prom-
Fri  - Tue                                              inent Local Voids (S83)

4/26 - 4/30     Hergenrother &          VATT2K          Physical Properties
Wed  - Sun      Whiteley (new 4/27)                     Asteroids, Comets (S77)

Notes: * Attention OBSERVERS: To prepare for your run, consult the WEB
        at "http://vaticanobservatory.org"  Click on "Vatican Advanced
        Technology Telescope", "VATT Observers Home Page", "Information before
        Observing", "VATT Operational Instructions"
*  Request PERMIT & ROOMS more than week before run. babril@as.arizona.edu
*  Observers during the run should read daily the e-mail to user "vattobs"
*  Find any updates to this schedule at WEBsite above