5 June 03: Update of Time allocated on VATT for May 1 - Aug. 31, 2003

Nights of	to			instrument	for

5/1  - 5/5	Consolmagno, Tegler,	VATT2K		Edgeworth-Kuiper
Thu  - Mon	Romanishin, Rettig			Belt Objects
		(Yoshida training 1-3)

5/6  - 5/6	Nelson			VATT2K		Engineering

5/7  - 5/10	Yoshida & Ito		VATT2K		Lightcurves of the
Wed  - Sat						Karin Family Asteroids

5/11 - 5/20	Nelson & TBS				Engineering	

5/21 - 5/24	Ryan & Martinez		VATT2K		Asteroid Lightcurves

5/25 - 5/28	O'Connell & student	VATT2K		Signatures of Mergers
Sun  - Wed 						in Elliptical Galaxies

5/29 - 6/2	Gillespie & Smith	VATT2K		U-Band Intermediate-
Thu  - Mon						Redshift Galaxies (L13)

6/3  - 6/5	TBS
Tue  - Thu

6/6  - 6/10	Wilson, A.Smith		CORMASS		low-mass objects
Fri  - Tue

6/11 - 6/14	Garnavich, Bass,	CORMASS		 "  "     "
Wed  - Sat	Wilson, A.Smith 

6/15 - 6/22	TBS
Sun  - Sun

6/23 - 6/25	Meyer, Woolf, Gorlova	CORMASS		earthshine,
Mon  - Wed						young stars

6/26 - 7/2	Jansen, Taylor,		VATT2K		Late-type and Peculiar
Thu  - Wed	Burstein, Windhorst			Galaxies in UVI

7/3  - 7/7	Ryan & Martinez         VATT2K          Asteroid Lightcurves
Thu  - Mon	Ryan & Ryan

7/8  - 8/31	Nelson & TBS		Engineering

Notes: * Attention OBSERVERS: To prepare for your run, consult the WEB
        at "http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo"  Click on "Vatican Advanced
	Technology Telescope", "VATT Observers Home Page", "Information before
	Observing", "VATT Operational Instructions", "VATT TCS Reference Manual"

*  Observers during the run should read daily the e-mail to user "vattobs"
*  Find any updates to this schedule at WEBsite above