If you intend to spend a long time on one target field, it is advisable to collimate the telescope using a star in the vicinity of your science target field.
XEPHEM SKY VIEW WINDOW: Identify a collimation object (magnitude < 7). Type the RA-Dec into TomPack Viewer > Main Controls > Sky coordinates, and hit Slew & Track.
Check/optimize telescope focus with science instrument prior to collimation
“Autocollimation” must be running throughout the collimation & focusing procedure!
Adjust focus with Secondary GUI, taking an exposure with the science camera, and when using the 4k CCD Imager, evaluate the distribution curve fit in IRAF xgterm
Guidebox GUI: insert Center field pickoff mirror
Use PHD2 to observe the object.
If you need to center the star in the field, use the Manual Control or the Manual Shifts (TPView > Main Controls). DO NOT USE GUIDER STAGES TO CENTER OBJECT.
Guidebox GUI: defocus to obtain “donut” (offset -30)
Secondary GUI: adjust TipX, TipY to even out light distribution in “donut”, re-centering object with paddle
Guidebox GUI: refocus (eliminate/adjust offset; it will be a value close to 0)
Guidebox GUI: select U-mirror
Check/optimize telescope focus with science instrument (after collimation)