Table of Contents

Phillips 24" Telescope

Elevation: 2776 m = 9108 ft.
Latitude: 32° 26' 31.42" N
Longitude: 110° 47' 19.61" W
Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00) 
Primary Mirror Diameter: 0.61 m = 24 inches
f/7.8 Cassegrain focus
Plate Scale: 23.1 microns/arcsec = 43.4 arcsec/mm (nominal)
Typical Seeing: 1.5-2.5"
Focuser: [needs calculation]
NCFZ: [needs calculation]

RA Axis

Motor: Teknic CPM-SDHP-2321S-ELS (4000 steps per rev)
Gearbox: APEX Dynamics AB060-S2-P1 (10:1)
RA Gear: Byer's 20 inch Research Grade RA gear (640 teeth)
Steps per Revolution: 25,600,000 steps (0.05063" per step)

DEC Axis

Motor: Teknic CPM-SDHP-2321S-ELS (4000 steps per rev)
Gearbox: APEX Dynamics AB060-S2-P1 (10:1) 
Dec Gear: Byer's 15 inch Research Grade DEC gear (360 teeth)  
Steps per Revolution: 14,400,000 steps (0.09000" per step)	 



Mt. Lemmon All-Sky Camera
South Facing Dome Camera


NOAA Mt. Lemmon Forecast
Astrospheric Forecast
Clear Sky Chart for Mt. Lemmon
Atmospheric Sciences Arizona IR
Atmospheric Sciences Arizona Radar

Troubleshooting and Maintenance


Advanced Maintenance


Remote Astrophotograph