Plug in dome shutter motor on the west wall.
Turn dome power on at the telescope power box (middle black button).
Open shutter using shutter control box on the south wall. Keep hand ready to hit STOP button until fully open.
Unplug shutter motor (or dome won't move).
Turn telescope motor on at telescope power box.
Power on TCS console/
GUI computer.
Login “21inch”, password - leave blank, hit enter.
Switch telescope control to remote on the telescope power box.
While computer boots, remove the telescope cover using the handles on the side of the telescope.
Start TCS
GUI. Double click icon “TCS
GUI 03-24-2008”.
Click ENABLE (comes up green, turns red when clicked)
See instructions on telescope initialization, then start observing.
Dome Stow Position - center of dome over eastern wheel above entry door.