^ Warm Shutdown / Jun 11, 2024 / P Gabor | |//One click to end them all.// |TomPack Viewer > Main Controls > Auxiliary Systems > Automatic Shutdown : click ''START'' | |Wait until the shutdown process runs its course. | |Now you are ready for bed! | |Sometimes it may be advisable to disconnect the guider camera, the M2 hexapod, the guide box, etc. Here are some tips. | |In PHD2, clicking on the icon which resembles a male USB connector, open the ''Connect'' window. There click ''Disconnect''. Now you can safely close PHD2. | |Click ''Disconnect'' in the Guide Box GUI. | |Turn off ''Autocollimation'' in the M2 GUI, then ''Disconnect''. | |Now you are ready to terminate INDI. First, locate the terminal titled ''Secondary and Guidebox'' and in it perform CTRL-C; then locate the terminal titled ''INDI Server'' and in it perform CTRL-C. Done. |