*If you intend to spend a long time on one target field, it is advisable to collimate the telescope using a star in the vicinity of your science target field. *XEPHEM SKY VIEW WINDOW: Identify a collimation object (magnitude < 7). Type the RA-Dec into TomPack Viewer > Main Controls > Sky coordinates, and hit ''Slew & Track''. *//Check/optimize telescope focus with science instrument prior to collimation// *//"Autocollimation" must be running throughout the collimation & focusing procedure!// *Adjust focus with Secondary GUI, taking an exposure with the science camera, and **when using the 4k CCD Imager**, evaluate the distribution curve fit in IRAF xgterm *Guidebox GUI: insert Center field pickoff mirror *Use PHD2 to observe the object. *If you need to center the star in the field, use the ''Manual Control'' or the ''Manual Shifts'' (TPView > Main Controls). DO NOT USE GUIDER STAGES TO CENTER OBJECT. *Guidebox GUI: defocus to obtain "donut" (offset -30) *[[vatt:hexapod|Secondary GUI]]: adjust TipX, TipY to even out light distribution in "donut", re-centering object with paddle *Guidebox GUI: refocus (eliminate/adjust offset; it will be a value close to 0) *Guidebox GUI: select U-mirror *Check/optimize telescope focus with science instrument (after collimation)