====== TCSng Update Check List ====== When making changes to TCSng software it is unexpected bugs can pop up. Here we give a list of usefull tasks to test if TCSng is behaving as expected. === Start Up === Make sure telescope has these values correct * Right Ascension (LST if at zenith) * Declination (Telescopes latitude if at zenith) * LST * Hour Angle (0 if at zenith) * UT and Date * Dome Position Also make sure the telescope starts up disable with auto dome and tracking off. === Set Next, Move next and Tracking === Fill out the RA, Dec and Epoch with a position close to the stow. Click on the set next and move next buttons. Make sure the telescope move to the expected position. Make sure that tracking is turned on when this position is reached. === Disable/Cancel === Assuming the telescope is at stow send it to and RA/Dec or Alt/Az position that will take atleast a few seconds to get to. Before it gets their click on the cancel button to cancel the move. The telescope should slow down and come to a stop it might reverse directions slightly. Move the telescope again but before it gets to a full start click the disable button. The telescope should come to an imediate stop. (Note: it is bad on the drive system to disable the telescope when it is at full speed.) === Soft Limits === Try to move to an RA/Dec or Alt/Az position that is outside the Horizon, Dec, and Hour Angle limits. === Auto Dome === Turn auto dome and move at least 3 different positions on the sky and make sure the Telescope is lined up with the slit. === Corrections === Toggle Corrections. Make sure they are reflected in the corrections string. MPNARFp+tob M=Proper Motion P=Precession N=Nutation A=Aberration R=Refraction F=Flexure p=Parallax +=pointing model used... can change to a,b,c,d? t=Sidereal o=Object b=Bias