====== DO NOT USE THIS PROCEDURE ====== The steps to shutdown the telescope are somewhat the reverse of the [[schulman_telescope_startup_procedure|Startup]] process- but greatly simplified. Knowledge of the Startup process as well as [[public:catalinas:lemmon:schulman_32:using_the_lcogt_gui_and_moving_the_telescope|using the LCOGT GUI and moving the telescope]] are assumed in the steps below. ==== Telescope and Dome ==== - Close the telescope Mirror Covers. - Close observatory Dome (if not already closed). - Park the telescope (or move it to the park position and turn the tracking off). Make certain telescope is not tracking. - Make sure to leave the telescope in a balanced state. This means either with the camera on or the Eyepiece and weights on. - Rotate Dome (any method) to chosen safe position. Park position is currently at 59 degrees [[public:catalinas:lemmon:schulman_32:review_of_astronomical_coordinates|Azimuth]]. - Press the red button on the {{:maxdome_controller_box.jpg?linkonly|dome controller box}} to cut power to it. ==== Main Computer Software ==== - On the main observatory computer {{:acp_connect.jpg?linkonly|disconnect the telescope via ACP}} (if connected) and TIM unit. - Close any running software on the desktop. (Though do not turn it off the computer just yet) ==== Controller Shutdown ==== - Using VNC access PubSub. - Shutdown the Agent Platform: - {{:lcogt_shutdownagent_.jpg?600|}} - Open a terminal using either the terminal icon at the top of the desktop or by Right Clicking on the desktop as shown below: - {{:lcogt_desktop_shutdown.jpg?1200|}} - At the prompt in the new terminal window type ''sudo poweroff'' -> This will shutdown PubSub, you will know it works when the VNC screeen freezes or shows "Disconnected". - Using VNC access the MIC computer. - Open a new terminal and again execute ''sudo poweroff'' just as on PubSub - Turn the {{:telescope_controller_switch.jpg?linkonly|red controller switch}} to "Off" ==== Main Computer Shutdown==== Now you can turn off the Main Computer via whatever method. Make sure it's off (and not installing updates) before proceeding. ==== UPS Shutdown ==== Turn off the Large UPS by pressing the "power" button. Turn off small UPS, this requires pressing and holding for a moment. {{:public:catalinas:lemmon:schulman_32:power_big_ups_off.gif?direct|}} {{:public:catalinas:lemmon:schulman_32:power_ups_off.gif?direct|}} Unplug both UPS's from the wall now that they are off. {{:public:catalinas:lemmon:schulman_32:power_big_ups_unplug.gif?direct|}} {{:public:catalinas:lemmon:schulman_32:power_ups_unplug.gif?direct|}} In Warm room unplug the ethernet cable that give service to Controller. This is to protect it from any lightning travelling through the ethernet cable (RIP Phillips in 2019). ==== It's a Tarp! ==== Consider covering the Telescope and main computer desk with tarps. The desk should be quite easy but the telescope can be challenging. If you do not have a helper or are simply unable to do so make sure to inform mountain operations.