====== Normal Operating Instructions for the Schulman 0.8m Telescope ====== In this case "normal" basically means using the telescope for visual observing (SkyNights programs). **Everything that follows assumes the following:** * Telescope Controller is operational and in the normal state. (Telescope servos are on and the telescope has been homed. The telescope is in the ready state to observe.) * Dome is operational and in the normal state. * Computer does not have other running software, scripts or connections that would interfere with normal operations. ===== Starting things up ===== - Open ACP (see desktop [[desktop_icons_and_software_layout|Layout]]) Under **Telescope** menu select //Connect//. - {{:acp_connect.jpg?600|}} - Upon connecting the heads up screen will show the coordinates of the telescope. Please verify LST and coordinates make sense. - If ACP complains the COM port is not available, it is likely another program is talking to the DOME or Telescope controllers. (e.g. ASCOM Dome software) - Also ACP is set up to command the dome to find **HOME** when first connecting. If ACP was already connected to the telescope and the dome is slaved the dome will not move. - Press the "Dome Control" button to reveal the dome state. It will only allow this once the dome is homed and not moving. - {{:acp2.jpg?600|}} Seeing //Slave//d and reporting the correct Azimuth is a success. - Open the dome by pressing the "Open" button. - After the shutter is open move the telescope to the [[telescope_orientation_interpretation|Zenith]] position (in order to open the mirror covers). Once there the telescope is now tracking. - Press the //Slew or Synch (Catalog)// button to command the telescope to move. - Select to radio button for //Coordinates// and input LST values for the RA coordinates and 32 for Declination. - {{:acp6.jpg?600|}} - Press the //Go To// button to slew to [[telescope_orientation_interpretation|Zenith]]. - Open the RCOS TIM software and //Connect//. - {{:tim_connect.jpg?600|}} - //OPEN// the Mirror Covers. - Press the //FOCUSER// icon to be certain the secondary mirror is at the Eyepiece focus position. - {{:tim_focus_eyepiece.jpg?600|}} If not at eyepiece value, select this position and press the blue check mark. - Using ACP //Slew or Synch//, command the the telescope to point at a first object. This is typically a bright star to verify pointing. - {{:acp3.jpg?600|}} (See "Can not find bright star" wiki page for troubleshooting information) ---- ===== The telescope is now ready to start observing. Below are more important things to know: ===== * In ACP //Slew or Synch// -> //Deep Sky Object// you must put a space between the catalog and its number. For example, "M77" will not work but "M 77" is correct. * {{:acp5.jpg?600|}} * When necessary use the telescope [[public:catalinas:lemmon:schulman_32:schulman_telescope_hand_paddle|Hand Paddle]] to center objects.