=====Kuiper 61 Inch Telescope===== [[.:What's New at the Kuiper 61" Telescope]] ---- Elevation: 2510 m = 8235 ft. Latitude: +32° 24' 59.3" N Longitude: 110° 44' 04.3" W these coordinates are accurate to about 1". Time Zone: +7 hours Primary Mirror Diameter: 1.54 m = 61 inches Primary Focal Ratio: f/4 f/13.5 Cassegrain focus Plate Scale: 100 microns/arcsec = 10.0 arcsec/mm (nominal) Useful Field of View: >435 arcsec diameter Secondary Diameter: 40.96 cm f/45 Cassegrain focus Plate Scale: 351 microns/arcsec = 2.85 arcsec/mm (nominal) Useful Field of View: >325 arcsec diameter Secondary Diameter: 14.5 cm Typical Seeing: 1-2" * [[Operating Notes]] * [[.:mont4k:Watcher]] * [[.:Lightning Shutdown]] * [[.:Shutdown Checklist]] * [[.:Information on Scripts]] * [[http://james.as.arizona.edu/~psmith/61inch/index.html|Instrument and Observatory Information from Paul Smith]]