=====Normal Start Up of the Telescope (Warm Start)===== -Plug in dome shutter motor on the west wall. -Turn dome power on at the telescope power box (middle black button). -Open shutter using shutter control box on the south wall. Keep hand ready to hit STOP button until fully open. -Unplug shutter motor (or dome won't move). -Turn telescope motor on at telescope power box. -Power on TCS console/[[21_inch:TCS GUI|GUI]] computer. -Login "21inch", password - leave blank, hit enter. -Switch telescope control to remote on the telescope power box. -While computer boots, remove the telescope cover using the handles on the side of the telescope. ((Open the south side first.)) -Start TCS GUI. Double click icon "TCS GUI 03-24-2008". -Click ENABLE (comes up green, turns red when clicked) -See instructions on telescope initialization, then start observing. NOTES: To stop telescope motion hit STOP (in red) Dome Stow Position - center of dome over eastern wheel above entry door.