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public:lemmon:minnesota_60:cold_start_power_up_sequence [2019/04/22 16:31]
davner De
public:lemmon:minnesota_60:cold_start_power_up_sequence [2019/05/09 11:10] (current)
davner ↷ Page moved from public:minnesota_60:cold_start_power_up_sequence to public:lemmon:minnesota_60:cold_start_power_up_sequence
Line 4: Line 4:
 //Procedure for coming out of lightning shutdown or checking out the telescope and instrument.// //Procedure for coming out of lightning shutdown or checking out the telescope and instrument.//
 ---- ----
-=====Dome=====+=====Dome Part 1=====
   - Dome encoder cable over entry door   - Dome encoder cable over entry door
 ===West side of blue yoke, declination axis=== ===West side of blue yoke, declination axis===
-  - dec encoder +  - Dec encoder 
-  - dec motor +  - Dec motor 
-  - dec tac+  - Dec tac
 ===West side of base flange=== ===West side of base flange===
   - Finder scope lamp power (for reticle)   - Finder scope lamp power (for reticle)
Line 44: Line 44:
   - Backside of stepper box   - Backside of stepper box
     - Gate out BNC     - Gate out BNC
 =====Control Room===== =====Control Room=====
 ===Backside of blue control rack=== ===Backside of blue control rack===
-Bottom of rack +  - Bottom of rack 
-  - #5 TTL mono dome +    - #5 TTL mono dome 
-  - #3 stepper motor control +    - #3 stepper motor control 
-  - #2 computer manual to dome and telescope control +    - #2 computer manual to dome and telescope control 
-  - #1 single paddle control to old paddle +    - #1 single paddle control to old paddle 
-FORTH computer backside +  FORTH computer backside 
-  - //NOTE: If 2MASS is on the telescope there is nothing to disconnect. If another instrument is on the telescope then disconnect Com2 cable.// +    - //NOTE: If 2MASS is on the telescope there is nothing to disconnect. If another instrument is on the telescope then disconnect Com2 cable.// 
-Silver outlet box +  Silver outlet box 
-  - Bus BNC +    - Bus BNC 
-  - Power supply cable +    - Power supply cable 
-  - Power supply cable +    - Power supply cable 
-Backside of Rack #1+===Backside of rack #1===
   - PC splitter box   - PC splitter box
     - "From dome" silver cable     - "From dome" silver cable
Line 70: Line 72:
     - Large round connector cable     - Large round connector cable
     - Transducer BNC     - Transducer BNC
 +===Backside of rack #2===
 +    - RA motor round connector
 +    - Temperature sensor square gray plug
 +      - //NOTE: Easy to miss//
 +===Backside of rack #3===
 +  - DEC motor cable
 +  - Master Control Panel backside
 +    - Slew SW BNC far left
 +    - J12 under cccc to the right
 +  - Telescope drive control backside
 +    - Limit cable p8
 +    - #5 TDC cable
 +    - Tilt meter cable
 +      - //NOTE: Easy to miss, just under DEC preamp//
 +    - #5 DEC preamp
 +    - #7 RA preamp
 +===Front of blue control panel===
 +  - Ribbon cable from port 5 to 5
 +===Front of rack #1===
 +  - Microphone connection for dome
 +===Behind control console===
 +  - Plug two calbes running into ceiling
 +  - Plug power strip and UPS laying on the floor into the wall outlet
 +  - Plug two ethernets
 +=====Dome Part 2=====
 +  - Plug in UPS into wall outlet.
 +  - Turn on UPS.
 +  - Plug in orange extension cord into UPS
 +  - Remove the cover form temperature control port.
 +  - While wearing a grounding strap, connect temperature controller cable.
 +  - Plug in temperature controller unit into UPS.
 +    - //NOTE: Sits on blue rack//
 +  - Plug in the Controller square gray power supply into power strip at base of telescope.
 +  - Plug in the IR Camera Power silver box into power strip at base of telescope.
 +  - Turn on Controller power supply
 +  - Turn on IR Camera power supply
 +===Follow the instructions in the black binder to finish setup.===
public/lemmon/minnesota_60/cold_start_power_up_sequence.1555975913.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/22 16:31 by davner