Stereo Images

With Zerene Stacker or other software, one can take the 3-D stack of images and create stereo pairs or apparently 3-D animations.

There are two types of stereo pairs, "cross-eyed" or "parallel". As you may imagine, the parallel set is so the right eye sees the right image and the left eye the left, and the cross-eyed set is for the right eye to see the left image and the left eye to see the right image.

Some people can train their eyes and brains to see the cross-eyed stereo pairs without aid, but I am not one of those folks. Therefore, I use a special pair of glasses (Pocket 3Dvu 3D Viewer) for stereo pair viewing in parallel mode, which works well.

Among the many things it can do, StereoPhoto Maker will flip the left and right halves with "View/Swap", or simply by pushing "X". You can then re-save it as a parallel version.

The photos below will lead you to a larger version of the "flat" image. Below each image is a link to the cross-eyed, parallel and animated .GIF version (with .GIF filesize listed).

This will be organized by technique: Disco Lights Illumination Extreme Macro Brightfield Darkfield DIC Polarization

Disco Lights Illumination (epi-Rheinberg)

First, 10x DLI of clumps of gold nanoparticles (nanopowder).

10x DLI gold nanopowder

Gold nanopowder : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (horiz) (11.7 MB .GIF) Rocking Animation (vert) (8.0 MB .GIF)

Another 10x Disco Lights image shows details of the head of a crane fly.

10x DLI crane fly head cross-eyed stereo pair

Crane fly : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (7.6 MB .GIF)

Gorilla Glue (TM) has the interesting property of "foaming up" when it cures. I'm not sure if it is air or oxygen or CO2 or what, but it makes bubbles in the glue. Here we see them in 10x Disco Lights Illumination.

10x Disco Lights Illumination of Gorilla Glue bubbles after curing

Gorilla Glue 1 : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (8.3 MB .GIF)

10x Disco Lights Illumination of Gorilla Glue bubbles after curing

Gorilla Glue 2 : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (5.2 MB .GIF)

With 20x DLI, here we have a dry mounted radiolaria fossil, on black paper background.

20x Disco Lights stack of fossilized radiolaria (dry mount)

Radiolaria : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (7.0 MB .GIF)

Extreme Macro

The fiddleneck genus (Amsinckia) can be difficult to identify to the species level, but I think this is either A. tessellata (Bristly Fiddleneck) or A. menziesii (Rancher's Fireweed).

First, shown with a Edmund Optics 2x LWD objective used directly on a 200 mm lens attached to a DLSR, in "extreme macro", and second with a 5x epi-darkfield BD objective.

Amsinckia (fiddleneck) with 2x extreme macro

Fiddleneck 2x : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (15.3 MB .GIF)

Using a reversed 105 mm focal length medium format lens for the Pentax 67, I obtained the following stack of 37 images of the same fly, but 8 days later.

Fly with reversed Pentax 67 105 mm f/2.4 lens at f/8 Zerene Stacker DMap stack of 37 images

Fly extreme macro: Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (9.0 MB .GIF)

Here we have an extreme-macro stack and stitch with a Helios 44 (f/2 58 mm) lens in combination with a Nikkor 55-200 mm zoom of a LEGO Stormtrooper.

Helios 44 extreme macro stack and stitch of a LEGO Stormtrooper

Stormtrooper macro : Cross-eyed Parallel

Another extreme macro stack, this time with the 2x Edmund Optics LWD objective, 22 images with Zerene Stacker of common moss.

Edmund 2x extreme macro stack of moss

Moss : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (horiz) (9.7 MB .GIF) Rocking Animation (vert) (9.8 MB .GIF)

A palo verde blossom with an extreme macro reversed Pentax 67 165 mm lens at f/4 with a 97 image focus stack with Zerene Stacker PMax.

Palo verde blosssom with reversed Pentax 67-165 mm lens at f/4 with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 97 images

Palo verde blossom : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (8.4 MB .GIF)

A mesquite tree blossom with the same reversed Pentax 67 165 mm lens at f/2.8 with a 296 image focus stack with Zerene Stacker PMax.

Mesquite tree blosssom with reversed Pentax 67-165 mm lens at f/2.8 with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 296 images

Mesquite blossom : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (14.8 MB .GIF)

A pencil cactus flower with the same reversed Pentax 67 165 mm lens at f/8 with a 77 image focus stack with Zerene Stacker PMax.

Pencil cactus flower with reversed Pentax 67-165 mm lens at f/8 with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 77 images

Pencil cactus flower : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (5.7 MB .GIF)

A small metal figurine with the same reversed Pentax 67 165 mm lens at f/8 with a 50 image focus stack with Zerene Stacker DMap.

Small figurine with reversed Pentax 67-165 mm lens at f/8 with Zerene Stacker DMap stack of 50 images

Figurine : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (4.6 MB .GIF)

Again using a reversed 105 mm focal length medium format lens for the Pentax 67, I obtained the following stack of 39 images of a Cree 15 W LED, with it's hemispherical lens.

Cree 15W LED with reversed Pentax 67 105 mm f/2.4 lens Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 39 images

Cree 15W LED : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (6.8 MB .GIF)

Again using a reversed 105 mm focal length medium format lens for the Pentax 67, I obtained the following stack of 23 images of salt and pepper.

Salt and peppper with reversed Pentax 67 105 mm f/2.4 lens Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 23 images

Salt & Pepper : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (8.6 MB .GIF)

With the same reversed Pentax 67 105 mm lens, I obtained the following stack of 411 images of greasewood (creosote) Larrea tridentata.

Creosote (Larrea tridentata) fruit with reversed Pentax 67 105 mm f/2.4 lens Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 411 images

Creosote fruit : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (8.7 MB .GIF)

Now with a reversed Pentax 67 200 mm lens (1:1), I obtained the following stacks of ~70 images of Indian spice seeds.

Indian spices with reversed Pentax 67 200 mm f/4 lens at f/8 Zerene Stacker DMap stack of 85 images

Indian spices 1 : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (9.5 MB .GIF) Rocking Animation (vertical) (9.8 MB .GIF)

Indian spices with reversed Pentax 67 200 mm f/4 lens at f/8 Zerene Stacker DMap stack of 60 images

Indian spices 2 : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (vertical) (9.3 MB .GIF)

Here we have the same spices, but with a Pentax 67 55 mm lens on a Tamron 80-210 mm telephoto as the tube lens (3.82:1), a DMap stack of 25 images.

Indian spices with reversed Pentax 67 55 mm f/4 lens with a Tamron 80-210 mm f/3.8 tube lens with Zerene Stacker DMap stack of 25 images

Indian spices 3 : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (vertical) (11.3 MB .GIF)

Next, we have a couple of aloe vera seeds, with a solid core and paper-like exterior surfaces. This is a Zerene DMap stack of 11 images at ISO 100 with 1/200th second exposures with a flash with the reversed Pentax 67 55 mm lens at f/4 with the Nikkor 55-200 mm f/5.6 lens as a tube at 200 mm (3.64:1).

Aloe vera seeds with reversed Pentax 67 55 mm f/4 lens with a Nikkor 55-200 mm f/5.6 tube lens with Zerene Stacker DMap stack of 11 images

Aloe vera seeds : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (vertical) (11.7 MB .GIF)

My first attempt with a horizontal macro rig uses bellows with a reversed enlarger lens, the Schneider Componon S 100 mm f/5.6 - a beautiful lens! This is a Zerene PMax stack of 34 images at ISO 200 with 1/200th second exposures with an off-camera flash. The subject is a PLA 3D print of St. Basil's Cathedral. The stack covered over 35 mm in depth!

3D print of St. Basil's Cathedral with a reversed Schneider Componon S 100 mm f/5.6 half-way open with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 34 images

St. Basil's Cathedral : Cross-eyed Parallel


Next, a 60x Plan Apo oil image of multiple layers of onion cells in various stages of mitosis (cell division).

60x Plan Apo onion mitosis

Onion mitosos : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (6.8 MB .GIF)


This is the epi-darkfield version of the fiddleneck seen in extreme macro section.

Amsinckia (fiddleneck) with 5x BD epi-darkfield

Fiddleneck 5x : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (16.0 MB .GIF)

Here is a stack of 297 images with 5x BD epi-darkfield of a common burr that I found on the leg of my pants.

5x epi-darkfield burr

Burr : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (13.9 MB .GIF)

Here we have the head of a fly (not a common housefly), with 5x epi-darkfield.

Fly head with 5x BD epi-darkfield

Fly darkfield : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (10.0 MB .GIF)

Here is a 5x epi-darkfield stack of the head of an adult green lacewing.

BD Plan darkfield stack of an adult green lacewing

Lacewing adult head : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (8.8 MB .GIF)

Again with the 5x BD Plan, I took the following stack of 65 images of pink anti-static open cell foam. The colors come from thin-film interference, like you see in soap bubbles.

Pink anti-static foam with 5x BD darkfield with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 65 images

Open-cell foam : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (8.1 MB .GIF)

Again with the 5x BD Plan, with the addition of stitching in Microsoft ICE, I took the following stack of 49 and 30 images of the ventral view of a small green nymph (immature insect).

Green nymph with 5x BD darkfield with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 49 and 30 images stitched in Microsoft ICE

Green nymph : Cross-eyed Parallel


While this stack was done with a 5x M Plan with epi-DIC, not much was added by DIC, it just happened to be set up when I needed to use the 'scope. It is a lacewing larva that had just hatched from it's egg, and still hanging on to dry.

M Plan (DIC) stack of a freshly hatched lacewing larva on it's egg shell

Lacewing larva : Cross-eyed Parallel Rocking Animation (3.7 MB .GIF)


Photographic "Rapid Fixer" is primarily ammonium thiosulphate, so here are some of the crystals formed. Using a 40x Hoffman objective plus polarizers give a unique feel to these three images, with Zerene Stacker PMax (#3 is DMap).

40x Hoffman Modulation Contrast with polarization stack with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 7 images.  These are of ammonium thiosulphate crystals, slowly grown from dilute Ilford Rapid Fixer (for analog photography) under a cover slip.

Ammonium thiosulphate 1 : Cross-eyed Parallel Rotating Polarizer Animation (12.0 MB .GIF) Rotating Polarizer Animation Crop (9.2 MB .GIF)

40x Hoffman Modulation Contrast with polarization stack with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 8 images

Ammonium thiosulphate 2 : Cross-eyed Parallel

40x Hoffman Modulation Contrast with polarization stack with Zerene Stacker DMap stack of 7 images

Ammonium thiosulphate 3 : Cross-eyed Parallel

And now with a 2x Plan Apo with crossed polarizers (no HMC), a stack of 10 PMax.

2x Plan Apo with crossed polarizers stack with Zerene Stacker PMax stack of 10 images

Ammonium thiosulphate 4 : Cross-eyed Parallel

Last updated February 10, 2021. If you arrived via an external link, please visit the homepage for navigation!