Subtracting the Overscan using in IRAF
Last update: May 29,
Author: Jill Bechtold
Since the MAESTRO CCD is read out with two amps, there are two overscan
regions. These are seen in displays of the raw data as a 40 pixel
"gap" in the middle of the image. This is not a physical gap, but is
where the overscan data is recorded when the ccd is read out.
For various reasons, the file produced by ICE/IRAF is a fits file which
is not multi-dimensional.
The AZCAMTOOL software reads out the CCD and normally would write a
multi-dimensional fits file, but for MAESTRO, it "de-laces" it
and sends it to the alewife computer as a single order fits
file. Each half of the image must have the appropriate
overscan subtracted. So we have written a script to subtract the
overscan region for each half of the image, and produce a single,
trimmed fits file without the overscan. We then edit header information
so that ccdproc subsequently can be run.
The cl is called "" and was written by Ed
Olszewski, Jill Bechtold and Christy Tremonti.
As of April 2008, the script reads the overscan and trim regions
from the header and should take care of binned data properly.
However, we have done only limited testing of bin and readout
combinations, so check that it is doing what you think it is, and if
you have trouble with it, let us know.
How to run
1. Make a directory and copy your data to
so work on copies of your data.
2. Download and put it on your computer.
We've had some trouble with the cl being garbled when emailed
through the Steward squirellmail system. The symptom is
that when you run the script in iraf, it can't find the parameter
file. Try reformating the carriage returns with the unix command
Again, we've done only limited testing on different machines so let us
know what you experience.
3. Set up the task by typing at the
iraf prompt:
maestro_biaser =
or putting this line in your file.
4. Load packages you'll
need. The
script will tell you if you haven't.
5. lpar and epar should work,
and the usual syntax for iraf lists and wildcards:
lpar maestro_biaser
filenames = "c*"
Images to
(interact =
Interactively fit overscan?
(oorder =
Overscan fitting
(flist = "tmp$maestro_tmp4467z")
(mode =
6. Run maestro_biaser
maestro_biaser c0152.fits
The typical output looks like:
Warning: Image header parameter not found (TRIM) <-- This warning is
normal, and means the image has not been de-biased.
If it has already had maestro_biaser run on it, the script will skip it.
Processing c0152.fits
tmp$maestro_tmp4467aa: Apr 22 11:36 Trim data section is [1:2048,1:2000]
Fit overscan vector for tmp$maestro_tmp4467aa interactively (yes):
(answer yes and a plot
window comes up with a red cross-hairs. See iraf's colbias for
instructions on how to fit the overscan.)
tmp$maestro_tmp4467aa: Apr 22 11:36 Overscan section is
[2049:2068,1:2000] with mean=1736.617
tmp$maestro_tmp4467ba: Apr 22 11:36 Trim data section is
Fit overscan vector for tmp$maestro_tmp4467ba interactively (yes):
(answer yes again to fit the overscan in the other side of the image)
tmp$maestro_tmp4467ba: Apr 22 11:36 Overscan section is [1:20,1:2000]
with mean=1686.856
delete image `c0152.fits' - f/5 Th Ar ?
(yes): <--
Here it's verifying that you want to keep the bias-subtracted result.
7. Advice
You really have to do the fits interactively.
The overscan contains electrons from the image if the image contains
bright pixels, which it does, for example, for standard stars and
quartz lamps. If there's a bright Th-Ar line near the overscan
region, it may also bleed into the overscan. Thus, you will have
to fiddle with these fits to get a reasonable bias subtraction.
It's tedious, but echelle observing is slow, so you will not collect
vast numbers of images in a typical night. You can do long sets
of zeros non-interactively, of course.
For zeros or faint objects, we find that a legendre
polynomial with order = 5 and niter = 3 works well.
For bright stars, quartzs and th-ar
use the "s" "s" command to define sample regions.
The "z" command deletes a region; "d" deletes individual
A legendre of order = 3, niter = 3, high_rej=2
Here's a typical fit:

8. Logfile. maestrobias writes information on what it has been doing to a file called logfile. A typical logfile looks like this.
9. If you are new to IRAF:
Functional fits to the overscan data are carried out in an
interactive IRAF fitting routine which is used in many IRAF
scripts. To become
In the fitting routine, you have a red cursor in a plot window. To change the number of iterations, type
:niter 3
to change the number of iterations to 3. After changing the number of iterations, you must type
to actually perform a new fit. The new fit will be plotted on top of the data.
When you like the fit, type
to quit the fitting routine and proceed to the next step of maestrobiaser.