The camera-collimator lens can contains a triplet with a large CaFl
element in the center. Cargille 1160 oil is used to optically couple
the three elements of the triplet. Oil was chosen over an optical glue
such as Sylgard in order to allow flexibility later on, should the
triplet need to be dismantled for some reason. Cargille 1160 was found
to be UV transmissive, and unreactive to Sylgard and the rubber O-ring
which seals the oil layers in the lens cells. At the top of the cells,
a small pliable tube allows overflow relief.
Tests on a small triplet showed a voltaic reaction when plumbing hardware made of brass was used, which discolored the oil severely after a few months. We therefore fabricated pressure relief hardware out of aluminum and used teflon tape to isolate any non-aluminum hardware from contact with the oil.
After the first small triplet was ruined, we constructed a second test triplet using off-the-shelf optics in a similar way to the spectrograph's triplet as possible, and put it in the MAESTRO cabinet at the MMT to serve as a witness sample. Below is a recent (4/13) picture of this triplet.