Temptrax Temperature probes

last update:  June 7, 2013

When the spectrograph is cabled up and running, the observer can monitor temperatures in four places in the spectrograph, using the Temptrax probes. 

The IP of the temptrax is maestro-temptrax.mmto.arizona.edu  or

The probes are located as follows:

Probe 1:  Grating mount
Probe 2:  Slit Area
Probe 3:  CaFl Lens Can
Probe 4:  Spectrograph Electronics (inside the grey box)

The first 3 of these probes are external to the grey box.  They attach to the outside of the grey box with BNC connectors. 

The temperatures may be monitored with the ruby script, temptrax_gui.rb, which is in the CONDUCTOR tarball.  The temperature readouts are also incorporated into the CONDUCTOR gui which controls the spectrograph.

Watch the spectrograph electronics temperature.  It will overheat unless the air purge is running, and the galil may crash if the temperature is too hot.

To run the ruby gui, type

ruby temptrax_gui.rb

at a unix prompt.

If all four of the temperatures do not register, it's not critical;  something is loose, and should be fixed.

Whenever you focus the spectrograph, note temperature of the CaFl Lens Can in the log.  Eventually, we will use this information to provide a model for L1 position versus temperature.


Grey box, and with temptrax probes attached.